western civilization 2 quizlet

believed that humand in their primitive conditions were happy, no laws no judges, all were equal, to preserve private property people adopted laws and as a result they rushed into chains not freedom. Ch. Save. Important Beliefs behind Mercantilism (Pt. It was eventually used against the Spartans in the Peloponnesian Wars. decribes the era which followed the conquests of Alexander The Great. Attempts were made to reduce the legal number of hours a child could work. Soto raked the leaves onto the old sheet gathered up the corners and swung the big bundle over his shoulder. 120 terms. Helps France consolidate power, known as distinct nation. Who was the first true "emperor" of the Roman Empire? French Enlightenment philosopher Fontenelle wrote the book Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds (1686) in order to exposit and make known various discoveries of the Scientific Revolution, such as the astronomical findings of Copernicus and physics of Descartes. Guide to understanding how CLEP scores are calculated and credit-granting recommendations for all exams. Groups of questions may require candidates to interpret, evaluate, or relate the contents of a passage, a map, a picture, or a cartoon to the other information, or to analyze and use the data contained in a graph or table. 52 terms. A political theory holding that all power should be vested in one ruler or other authority. Passed Western Civilization II with a 77. There is evidence of opposition to a woman as ruler, and, after her death her name was frequently expunged. A Baroque composer who wrote many famous cantatas, toccatas, and fugues and works such as The Well-Tempered Clavier and the Brandenburg Concertos. Epicurus was a atomic materialist. Review for Exam II Spring 2022. Classical Greek culture has, and always will be, a topic of western civilization that is studied and taught amongst people of todays society, and those to c Oh Mighty Greeks! : an American History (Eric Foner), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Occurred in 597-538 B.C. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding introduced new ideas about the reliability of our senses. -to- March 15, 44 B.C. Is a temple of the greek goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their protector. It was a global conflict that took place over the European nations' competition to obtain colonies and domination. Ancient Greece is today known in history for its impeccable development and prosperity in civilization. Was a Roman poet of the 1st century B.C. (A) broken argued that societies were organisms that evolved through time from a struggle with their environment, progress came from the struggle for srvival as the "fit" the strong survive and the weak decline. Thus, the Enlightenment was born. Which of the following statements best expresses the message in the cartoon? jacey1999. The Carthaginian forces sued for peace. challenging the church, the split of christianity, protestant reformation, counter reformation. I thought I saw a friend in the audience. A study plan and list of online resources. In their time the Grazers were known as either Bosci in Latin or Boskoi in Greek, both words sharing the meaning "grass-eaters" (Ascetic Christians who eat grass.). The common people in ancient Roman society. An ancient city in north Africa, founded by the phoenicians in the middle of the 9th century b.c. 2. Questions on the Western Civilization II exam require test takers to demonstrate one or more of the following abilities: The subject matter of the Western Civilization II exam is drawn from the following topics. Course: Western Civilization II, Since 1500: Economies, Sciences, & Politics (HI 102) 127 Documents. Women often took jobs in factories, teaching, shopkeeping, or domestic services. kemcru. The percentages next to the main topics indicate the approximate percentages of exam questions on those topics. The battle between Alexander the great of Macedonia and Darius the 3rd of Persia. Bach is known for his use of counterpoint, musical lines that are different and have different rhythms but sound harmonious when played or sung together. exiled from France to England, he wrote about the English life, its freedom of the press, political freedom and religions toleration, he also criticized the French Absolute, the lack of both religions toleration and freedom thoughout. (Consult the list at the bottom of the page if you need ideas.) his ideas and experiments changed scientific development, he used the telescope to observer the heavens, he argued with scriptures regarding the universe. Volume 1: from the origins of civilization in Mesopotamia c. 8,000 BCE through the early Middle Ages in Europe c. 1,000 CE. Outstanding figure in the field medicine, revolutionized medicine in ancient Greece. Please select the correct language below. Western Civilization Chapter 3. Is the religion and philosophy based on the teachings ascribed to an individual named Zoraster. Was in a secret pact with Magnus and Caesar. was a major turning point in modern western civilization, the western world arrived at a new concept of the universe. Such monarchs embrace rationality, and embraced education and religious tolerance. . Voltaire admired the English political system with its general religious freedoms and freedoms of press and criticized the hypocrisies and injustices of the French political system, which included an unfair balance of power and taxes between the social classes. Were a series of three (3) wars fought betwenn rome and Carthage. 76 terms. In addition, he is the author of WESTERN CIVILIZATION, first published in 1991 (10th Edition, 2018), and co-author (with William Duiker) of WORLD . Add to folder Studying HIS 102 Western Civilization II at Suffolk County Community College? In the 12th dynasty of Egypt initiating the Second intermediate period of ancient Egypt. 2. given word. was a major turning point in modern western civilization, the western world arrived at a new concept of the universe. Augustus won and became the Emperor of Rome. Who was the British naval officer that claimed the eastern coast of Australia for Great Britain, What country originally claimed much of Canada, as well as the Ohio and Mississippi River valleys. ) The founded the Hasmonean dynasty, which ruled from 164 BCE to 63 BCE. Some of these are pretest questions that will not be scored. Is a cultural period of ancient Greece, taking it's name from the archaeological site of mycenae. As represented in the writings of his disciple Plato, he engage in dialogue w/ others in an attempt to reach understanding & ethical concepts by exposing & dispelling error (the Socratic methods). Voltaire's most famous novel, Candide, (Optimism) written in 1759, is a satirical work that exploits the horrors of the world and the shortcomings of society in the 18th century and encourages readers to employ Enlightenment ideas in order to improve the world. Time period: 1648- Post World War II. Largest wars yet of the ancient world, Rome navy was victorious. 4. Christian neo-platonist. Anceint greek of Macedon who dominated the known world and created one of the largest empires in ancient history. The discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton led to what? The lower class people of ancient Greece were called? Investigates principals of reality transcending those of any particular science. of 1832 gave most male property holders the right to vote in great britian, this country provided critical military aid in the process of italian unification, resulted in creation of austro hungarian empire, who designed the first electromagnetic generator. What was the name of the French official who played the most important role in centralizing the authority of the French monarch. France led in a golden age of culture that influenced all of Western Europe. Between Tigris and Euphrates rivers. riding to the divine right theory, rulers received their power from. Attalios, Ptolemies, Seleucids, Antigonids. The most visible building in Mesopotamian cities was the, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, World Civilizations: The Global Experience, Since 1200, AP Edition, Marc Jason Gilbert, Michael Adas, Peter Stearns, Stuart B. Schwartz. Father of Modern Economics, and his 3 Laws 2 pages 2017/2018 None. The Scientific method. Recognizing Adverbs That Modify Verbs. social class dominated the feminist movement in the late nineteenth century, popular reform movement became associated int he late 1800s, most famous leader of the british suffragette movement, first identified bacteria as the cause of diseases, dominant artistic movement of the early 1900s, african nation successfully resisted european imperialism up to world war II, asian state successfully resisted european imperialism, used concentration camp against boer opponents, involves making a standing army ready for battle, germans defeated the advancing russian army, arab nationalists in the ottoman empire were led by, became british prime minister in the course of war, ottoman empire implanted a policy of genocide agains what people during war, tsar at the start of the russian revolution, leader of spanish rebels in spanish civil war, demanded full and immediate national independence, british prime minister at munich conference, germanys annexation of austria was known as, british prime minister during world war II. medieval peasants from Ancient Sparta who were personally free, but bound to the land. Highest civil and milotary magistrates, serving as the heads of government for the Republic. The Industrial Revolution (1780-1830) was a 50 year time period in that began in England, shifted the work force from rural agrarian farms to urban factories, resulted in machines overtaking production by hand, and caused tremendous advancements and transformations in European societies. Was a formal writing system used by the ancient Egyptians that contained a number of logo-graphic and alphabetic elements. 625 BC who passed a series of very harsh laws against the demoi. in the 17th century, women joined this debate by arguing against the distored images of women held by men. Which unusual, small little nation grew to be a great power with a tremendous army? What famous general led the Carthagenians and almost defeated Rome in the 2nd Punic War? Choose the word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the words in capital letters. This is a characteristic of Atenism, Bahai Faith, Christianity, Hinduuism, Islam, Judaism, Sabianism, Sikhism & Zoroastrianism, a period characterized by the use of copper & it's alloy bronze as the chief hard materials in the manufacture of some implements & weapons, the dispersion of the Jews after the Babylonian conquest in the sixth century BCE. 2. resulted in a massive victory for Macedonians and led to the fall of the Persian Empire. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Give Me Liberty! Label each direct object D.O. the hill at the center of Athens on which the magnificant temples-including the Parthenon- that made the architecture of ancient Athens famous are built. Was a Zoroastrician Persian king. Please sign in to share these flashcards. In ancient Greece these people were a group of teachers of philosophy and rhetoric. An island off the southeast coast of Geece, west of Athens. Left England as an island nation torn by civil war. Inductive reasoning became the basic procedure of new science. Located in the city of Athens. At what point in ''Lamb to the Slaughter'' does the rising action take place? or earlier, king of Babylonia. Battle site is today located in southeast Turkey. Exam 1 covers chapters 18 - 20 & 23 of Western Civilizations.Note that text chapters are assigned out of order. It is one of the oldest deciphered writings of significant length in the world, Greek historian. between the mainlands of Greece & Turkey, the largest & most poulous of the Greek islands, the fifth-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, and one of the thirteen adminstrative regions of Greece, this was a period of Athenian political hegemony, economic growth & cultural flourishing, ancient Athenian philosopher. and each indirect object I.O. What event in France became the center of national celebrations after 1789? Most religious systems have some form of moral dualism, a conflict between good and bad. Then, choose the letter of the word that is the better antonym, or word of opposite meaning, for the word below. A naval league made in 478 by the Athenians and the islands in the Aegean Sea. battle was the turning point in the pacific war, The d-day landings were launched from what country, was the british, canadian, and american project to build the atom bomb. His terrier has stole a dog biscuit and has run out the door. he believed that he king was the first servant of the states, he often followed the recommended philosophes regarding reform, however, he restricted the rights of the middle class and upper class, he relied heavily on the nobility, he didnt want to challenge them, re reserved higher position to the nobility only, her enlarged the army to 200,000, He was involved in two wars , the war for Austrian succession and the Seven Year War after these two wars he also gained Polish territories, Austria was very diverse, contained many languages, religions and cultures, providing common laws and centralized gov't would became a difficult taks, she lost land to Prussia under Frederick the Great, she resolved to reform Austria before the next attack, in order to unite her empire she reorganized her govt and territories were then divided into 10 provinces. King of the revolutionary war, he replaced PIT the elder with Lord Bute, he intended to strengthen his monarch and wielded his patronage power gladly, he was met with opposition, 1780 the house of commons claimed the influence of the king is increasing , the Colonist in America were fighting with the monarchy. A civilization in lower Mesopotamia, located in what is now central and southern Iraq. - 78 B.C., was a gifted and effective general. In the space provided, write the letter of the choice that is most nearly the same in meaning as the By the age of thirty, he had created one of the largest empires of the ancient world, strecthing from the Ionian Sea to the Himalayas. A well known German-born, British Baroque composer of opera seria and concerto grossi, such as Dixit Dominus, Messiah, and Rodrigo. Russia and Prussia take more Polish territories. European people who spoke a Celtic language. Which Jewish group was violently opposed to Roman rule? and ended with the death of Cleopatra 7. Were a series of conflicts fought by Rome during the Second Punic War. Originally refers to a group of elite citizens in ancient Rome, including both their natural and adopted members. Ancestors of the Israelites who used the Hebrew language. The doctrine that all knowledge is limited to experiences by the self, transient knowledge is impossible. Darius left his son the task of punishing the Athenians. is the belief that God exists but is not active in the world. An ancient Anatolian people, used cuneiform letters. Son Of Darius The Great. Images. 2017/2018 None. Pertaining to the last phase of the stone age, marked by the domestication of animals, development of agriculture, and the manufacture of pottery and textiles. Their harshness only caused more discontent among the demoi and were later repealed. Recommendations for credit-granting scores from the American Council on Education. a new type of monarchy in the late 18th century, the extent to which rulers followed the advice of the philosophes and reled by enlightened principles, in the 18th century, France experienced an economic revival as the enlightenment gained strength the french were not overly influenced by the philosophes and resisted reforms even as the french aristocracy grew stronger, 1757 replaces Robert Walpole , he advances the Britain imperial ambitions, during his tenure Britain acquired Canada and India, he was replaced when George III reigned. 1714-1837. Born in Pelia in 356 BC, Alexander was tutored by Aristotle until the age of 16. Prussia. Important Beliefs behind Mercantilism (Pt. The Doric order may be recognized by it columns, which include a wide sihft with a plain capital on the top, one of three architectural systems developed by the Greeks to decorate their buildings. Domestication of animals is primarily found in which area? berberetn Teacher. Volume 1 covers topics including Mesopotamia,Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome, the Islamic caliphates, and the early European Middle Ages. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like God, France and Spain, Richelieu and more. An ancient Greek war fought by Athens and its empire against the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. a civilization that lived on the island of Crete from 2800 to 1450 BCE, a civilization on the Greek peninsula that reached it high point between 1400 & 1200 BCE, the hill at the center of Athens on which the magnificant temples-including the Parthenon- that made the architecture of ancient Athens famous are built, in ancient Greece, the marketplace or place of public assembly, author of the Illiad and the Odyssey, and is revered as the greatest ancient Greek epic poet, an epic poem by Homer poem set during the Trojan War, the ten-year siege of the city of Troy by a coalition of Greek states, it tells if the battles & events during the weeks of a quarrel between King Agamemnon & the warrior Achilles, an epic poem, a sequel to "Illiad", centers on the Greek hero Odyssey & his journey home after the fall of Troy, excessive pride, which for the ancient Greeks brought punishment from the Gods, the modern revival of the ancient games he'd once every 4 years in a selected country, a city in the southern Peloponaease in Greece, capital of Laconia, the capital of Greece, in the southern part of the country, the Greco-Persian Wars were a series of conflicts between the Achaemenid Empire of Persia & city-states of the Hellenic world that started in 499 BC and lasted until 449 BC, a city, both factual & legendary, located in northwest Anatolia in what in now Turkey, south of the southwest end of the Dardanelles/Hellespont & northwest of Mount Ida, the supernatural being conceived as the perfect & omnipotent and omniscient originator & ruler of the universe, an ancient Greek formation of foot soldiers carrying overlapping shields & long spears, an elorgated emembayment of the Meditterranean Sea located between the southern Balken & Anatolian peninsulas, i.e. or to what extent? Moved the capitol of Russia closer to Europe In the space provided, Indicate which question the adverb answers: where? Fought in 333 BC by King Alexander the Great of Macedonia Greece and King Darius III of the Persian Empire. the labor of individuals farmer artisans and merchants constitute the true wealth of a nations If the confrontation leads to war, Japan will surely win. Key Terms He came from a wealthy Italian provincial background. Best known for taking a leading role in the assassination conspiracy against Julius Caesar. They owed labor obligations as well as fees, generals in ancient Athens who eventually took a great deal of political power, one of three architectural systems developed by the Greeks to decorate their buildings.

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western civilization 2 quizlet