the bennington triangle documentary

Chance of rain 80%. Be the first to contribute! No direct connections have been identified that tie these cases together, other than the general geographic area and time period. In the very top left corner, in small print, was the word Fayville, plotted on a dotted line that seemed to be a secondary road, meandering its way from Shaftsbury deep into the hills, and ending in the middle of nowhere. Maybe. As reported by Obscure Vermont, Glastenbury Mountain is one of 12 mountains in the range, with a maximum altitude of 3,747 feet.. Revelator Network reports the region surrounding Glastenbury Mountain was home to the Abenaki tribe, which was part of the . The weirdness continued when colonial settlers came to the area, whose vague and un-researchable accounts tell of weird sounds, noises and odorsthat would come from the mountain. Just click the "Edit page" button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Quotes submission guide. "Because there are crazy claims. It was in an area that search parties knew they had combed thoroughly, near the flood gates of the Somerset Reservoir. But Glastenbury is perplexing and complex, and something I found a little difficult to write about, mostly because there was so much information to take in. Afterward, an extensive search was conducted, including more than 1,000 people searching, aircraft surveillance, posting a $5,000 reward, and help from the FBI. Its focus, length, and even title remain heavily dependent on this weekend's investigation. [5] The oldest legends about the Bennington Triangle came from Native Americans in the region, who believed Glastenbury Mountain was cursed. It's time for a creepy bedtime story. Youtuber Matt Garland made this awesome documentary on the Bennington Triangle, which is in my opinion, a great watch. Henry reported finding huge bear tracks around Carls body, but the official postmortem was baffling. Others speculate that Paul was actually abducted near East and Chapel Roads, carried away in a car. It wasnt. I still have no explanation to this day. The rough and forbiddingterrain and short growing season didnt lure any settlement untilthe 1800s. The term, "Bennington Triangle," was introduced by author Joseph A. Citri in 1992. It was the kind of place where men out numbered the women, and the law often didnt exist. The Bennington Triangle (2021 Podcast Episode) Plot Showing all 0 items Jump to: Summaries It looks like we don't have any Plot Summaries for this title yet. Much like its counterparts, a portion of Vermont's green wilderness gained a reputation. But depending on a finite resource eventually created the end of the charcoal and logging industry and the mountains were logged until nothing larger than a sapling remained on the slopes. On December 1st, 1949, James E. Tetford had been visiting relatives in northern Vermont. Wentworth was quite the character granting as many towns in then unestablished Vermont as he could, with the intention to provocativelychallenge New York, which also claimed the same land. Join us every week for a new scary story.BECOME A MEMBER FOR EXTRA REWARDS! MUSIC \"Ice Demon\", \"Crypto\" and \"Undaunted\" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0\"Haunted\", \"Introduction to Terror\" and \"Kingdoms of the World\" used by kind permission of CO.AG The rest is up for debate. Dave spent some time on Glastenbury mountain restoring the fire tower on the summit, and would work up there for extended periods of time. Nearly a year later in mid-October 1950, eight-year-old Paul Jepson went missing. Or maybe, could these unfortunate people have accidentally encountered that enchanted Indian stone, and were swallowed in seconds? Later sightings described the creature as a large, hairy, black thing standing over six feet tall. Either way, the newspapers did what they do best and ran wild, and soon, others started to wonder what was going on here? The dog was able to pick up his scent but abruptly lost the trail at a nearby crossroads, suggesting a possible abduction by a motorist. A massive loggers boardinghouse, and company store the only store in town, were built to serve the village. Others believe that the burst of missing persons between 1945 and 1950 may have been the work of a serial killer. . Expecting to catch up with him at the camp, the hunters began to panic when they didnt see him there upon their arrival. The Bermuda Triangle is one of the busiest areas in the world for shipping and aviation. Shutterstock. Bennington Triangle, Wilderness Disappearances, Vermont The "Bennington Triangle" is a name given by paranormal author Joseph A. Citro to denote an area of southwestern Vermont within which as many as ten people have disappeared between 1920 and 1950. Like us on Facebook. As dusk began to fall and Carl still hadnt arrived, Henry immediately contacted law enforcement, just as the snow began to fall. Im not willing to pay the $20 image purchase fee but the website has an 1869 Beer atlas map of Woodford that you can check out and this is one of the few maps Ive came across to feature South Glastenbury in it. After Elsner waited for a while and Freda didnt return, he also returned to the camp to see if everything was alright. Crypto Paranormal Investigations' Glastenbury documentary is scheduled to be completed some time next year. All That's Interesting is a Brooklyn-based digital publisher that seeks out stories that illuminate the past, present, and future. Population: 0, A Day At The Races: The Old Green Mountain Racetrack (and Pownal Peculiarities). GLASTENBURY -- A team of paranormal investigators hiked into Glastenbury over the weekend to survey the area known as the "Bennington Triangle.". As recently as 2003, Winooski resident Ray Dufresne saw something peculiar on his drive down Route 7, near Glastenbury. Whoever he was, he was eventually ran out of town and faded into obscurity. You have permission to edit this article. Rivers got a bit ahead of the group, and vanished completely. The police during that time were not familiar with serial killers or how they operated, so even if it was the work of such a killer, the facts would have gone undocumented. However, he was babbling on about voices in his head that wouldnt leave him alone, and as a result, was sentenced inthe Vermont State Asylumin Waterbury. Tony Jinks discusses this claim, saying that "The popular conception is that he vanished into thin air while on the bus, but like many missing person stories there's a gap between when he was last seen and when he was reported missing a week or so later. After he implausibly vanished into thin air while inside a moving vehicle, baffled passengers noted that Tedfords luggage and an open bus timetable remained on his seat. It was well past dark and a violent rain storm was washing out the road. Contact Zeke Wright at Be the first to contribute! That would explain why the bloodhounds lost his scent. When I was finished, the only conclusion I could draw is that there is no conclusion. Welden's disappearance was the inspiration for the 1951 novel Hangsaman by Shirley Jackson. ", The group has worked on the documentary over the past year, filming, conducting research, and interviewing local residents, including Tyler Resch, the Bennington Museum librarian who authored the 2008 book titled "Glastenbury: The History of A Vermont Ghost Town.". Farmers built them long ago while clearing their pastures, or several passing hikers on the Long Trail built them, to act as beacons in bad weather. Due to the bodys decomposition, no cause of death could be determined. Though many people who write about ghost towns robotically love to use descriptive terms such as hub or thriving, Glastenbury was really neither its peak population climbed to around241. During the massive search, no clues to her fate were ever discovered. Regarding Tedford's disappearance, there's enough evidence to suggest he didnt "dematerialize, even though no trace of him was ever found. Police and a group of volunteers combed the area for hours. The first one to disappear was 74 year oldMiddie Rivers. One harrowing accountI was able to dig uptook take place on Columbus Day in 2008. But the sheer lack of evidence to back this up as well as the variety in the victims ages and genders (defying the usual patterns of serial killers) likely rules out that theory as well. 2/27/2023. The map is sideways, so look for District 2, beyond the Woodford town line, and the black dots that represent buildings plotted around Bolles Brook. Local authorities were quick to launch another search, alarmed at another unfathomable disappearance in the area. The Bennington Triangle, centered around Glastenbury Mountain in Vermont, has long been known for strange events, including UFO activity,bigfootsightings, strange lights and sounds, and the location where five people disappeared in the 1940s and 1950s. Rivers, who knew the area well, was leading a party of four hunters in the area of Hell Hollow in the southwest woods of Glastenbury. she left her dorm at Bennington College and walked into the woods. Those who know me know that Im a huge cartography buff. Countless internet searches have dug up numerous unusualtales posted on message boards and blogs from hikers, hunters and curiosity seekers. But the railroad was still around, and they wanted money. I wanted to be tactful with how I approached it, balancing the resilient history, excellent folklore, and my own thoughts. They found nothing. Maybe because of their limitless potential, and their ability to unlock the mysteries of our world. Rivers disappeared along the Long Trail Road area and Vermont Route 9. The rain was coming down so hard, it soon forced the driver to slow down to a crawl as the thunder cracked the night sky. Rain earlythen remaining cloudy with showers in the afternoon. The rain hadnt washed them away yet, so they had to be fresh tracks the driver reckoned. I suppose its all subjective. The Jephson family worked as caretakers for a nearby dump, and on October 12, 1950, young Paul had accompanied his mother to work. Local lore has it that Rivers disappeared near Bickford Hollow, the same place John Harbour was murdered. When she returned, the boy was gone. Kathy Alexander/Legends of America, updated August 2022. But some information did arise. Of course, Wentworths grants doubled as a lucrative endeavor, as he made sure to set aside some acreage for himself. Tucked away near the borders of Vermont and Massachusetts is a small area of land believed to be the focal point for a wide variety of unexplained and mysterious phenomena. The only known similarities between the most well-documented cases in the Bennington Triangle are the close proximity of the disappearances, the time of day when most were last seen (between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m.), and the time of year when most were last seen (the final three months of the year). For now, these giant piles of stones offer no explanations. The first to go missing was a 74-year-old hunting guide named Middie Rivers on November 12, 1945. Was there a pattern here? Note: There is currently no scientific method to prove that vortexes exist. As for the others. In the book Ghost towns of New England, Author Fessenden S. Blanchard spoke withArlie Greene the oldest surviving member of the Mattison family. However, when they were just a few hundred yards from their campsite, Langer slipped and fell into a stream, soaking her clothes and shoes. As a matter of fact,Chateau Fayville, the last original house in Glastenbury and the former Mattison homestead, was put on the real estate market and it looks like a nice place. As the passengers began to step out, something dealt a savage blow to the side of the carriage. "We're really trying to tell the accurate story of the area, and these unusual reports -- what's actually happened as far as these reports are concerned," said Nick Smith, founder and director of Crypto Paranormal Investigations. Vermont is one of the most pastoral picturesque states in America, known for its covered bridges, cheese, stunning fall foliage, delicious maple syrup, winter sports, and a series of mysterious disappearances amd deaths in and around Bennington between 1945 and 1950. 8 year oldPaul Jepsonwas waiting for his mother in his familys pickup at the dump they were caretakers for. According to Citri, the triangle, which according to Legends of America, extends in the region surrounding Glastenbury Mountain, and includes the cities of Bennington, Shaftesbury, Woodford, and several ghost towns, has an unusual, and potentially dangerous, energy. During a five-year span, beginning in 1945, people began to disappear regularly. He oncenoted that he was surprised that more people actually hadnt vanished, because the wilderness is in fact so large, and its very easy to become hopelessly lost if you stray from the trails. A vague detail described the brazen creature as roughly 8 feet tall and hairy, before it shambled back into the woods. I dont really see a connection here to the other disappearances, but I guess because it happened around the same time frame and James did live in the area, it has just been lumped into the big picture. In the book Haunted Hikes of Vermont, Author Tim Simard mentions a one time incident of hearing a ghostly train whistle while hiking along the West Ridge Trail, miles away from both any functional railroad track, and the old rail bed that runs up into South Glastenbury. This episode is sponsored by Best Fiends: At the bottoms, under layers of decaying leaves and dirt were iron bands, old horseshoes, and other various relics that hinted at human habitation once being way up here. More. In 1867, there was an alleged wild man sighting, where a mysteriousmisanthropic specter would venture down from the woods (some accounts say he lived in a cave in Somerset) pull back his coat, and expose himself to unsuspecting women in Glastenburyand nearby Bennington. Its name sake comes from its largest mountain, and the ghost town that used to be there which also borethe same name. But what is it about maps that are so irresistible to me? An eight-year-old boy vanished from his mother's truck in 1950. South Glastenbury became the heart of town, and the headquarters of the majority of the charcoaloperations, with 12 brick kilns erectedalong the cleared hillsides. Rivers was an experienced outdoorsman who was familiar with the local area. Why wasnt there anything in Glastenbury like other towns around it? Bloodhounds were also brought in to search for the boy, which picked up his scent and followed it toward Glastenbury Mountain, but it was lost at a nearby crossroads, suggesting a possible abduction by a motorist. That day, a 68-year-old man named James E. Tedford boarded a bus to Bennington after visiting relatives in St. Albans, Vermont. Then, the coach was attacked by a large creature who knocked the vehicle on its side. Provided that they ever make it out safely, the group will use the experience along with any found phenomena in a hourlong documentary that will explore Glastenbury's rich and varied folklore. As Author David Paulides tells in hisbook Missing 411,37 year oldCarl Herrickwent hunting in the woods of West Townshend, about 10 miles northeast of Glastenbury. Two local men went fishing on the Peters Branch one went upstream and the other went downstream. These are places that support unexplainable phenomena, events that seem to defy all .

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the bennington triangle documentary