that winter the wind blows ending explained

Why show, whyyy?? You made viewing this beautiful drama (scenes, actors and soundtracks) even more memorable. My take: Soo died. Stop playing with my emotions! I don't buy that Young is done with her suicidal tendencies, but she seems a lot happier probably because before she was so untrustworthy and felt like everyone was out to kill her anyway, but now she's starting to trust people and she's more at ease. Thank you, Heads, for pointing out all the illogical additions and omissions that left me feeling confused and nonplussed during the last three or more episodes. I also think that they wouldn't have shown the "Next Spring" title if it was meant to be a dream or heaven. After shes gone, Soo lets this news sink in. When she was with Secretary Wang, Lawyer Jang, and her ex-fiance with those blind kids, those scenes were not blurry. When his girlfriend double-crosses him, Oh Soo is sent to jail. hahaha, I can't believe more people didn't think of that, poor forgotten oppa Oh Soo :(. @ jenn, you're right. I do find myself chuckling at times when reading her recaps. And the "softy" villain wasn't so much a softy as an audience fave. Please enter your username or email address. Even if you didnt take the money, it wont bring everything back to the way it was.. But gradually, the characters grew on me, and their relationships touched me. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; There are many hazards associated with the winds. In the end, the suicide attempt didnt even put her out for a night, and she was completely fine by morning. Not Soo asks her if she cant see, and she responds by asking if hes ever met a blind person. I can accept this ending though I wished for a happier one. Ivoire, I am late to this but what is it with will-he-die melos of late and their nonsensical endings? Because now just isnt a good time? The ending was real in my opinion. Soo chaotic and rushed and nonsensical. The Wind Blows berkisah tentang perjalanan cinta suami istri yang penuh ujian dan tantangan.. Baca juga: Sinopsis Man on Fire, Kisah Haru Mantan Agen CIA yang Depresi The flowers were present at the cafe table where Young was seated too. Finally, as to Wang coming backtruly platonic relationship. If the story is fast forward, then it is possible that the end will be like that. It will probably take how many months before the eyesight will go back to normal condition. After the book reading at the cafe, was it only Young's wishful thinking and imagination while she was walking and reminiscing about a dead Soo? These flowers symbolize happines, wedding, and love. Zombie Young says okay, and he carries her three steps to the kitchen. Unlike some people, I absolutely loved the happy ending. So is she over the suicide thing? Manufactured appropriate for the county icivics county review worksheet answers at the constitution as studying does it below each generation of. I'm confused with the ending. I guess people thought she was really making headway but I felt like it was bound to happen. Another BIG factor as to why the last scene is not a depiction of heaven, or Young's imagination, is because the conversation between Soo and Young in that cafe is waaay too elaborate to be fake. Local winds occur on a small spatial scale, their horizontal dimensions typically several tens to a few hundreds of kilometres. Poor guys had better days. And Marian's nose looks red and raw, When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl, Then nightly sings the staring owl, Tu-whit; In the meantime, Young gets wheeled in for surgery. Tags: Fake Incest, Stolen Identity, Deception, Male Chases Female First, Playboy Male Lead, Hidden . Open your mouth when you kiss such a hot man who obviously loves you so much! When all aloud the wind doth blow. Nice Guy and TWTWB, both the male protagonists were stabbed, but they survived, right? It was a pleasure reading them. Her secretly hoping that Oh Soo would burst in and save her makes sense (the only thing that made sense in this episode). I think Soo is gonna be on my list of favorite characters. Secondly, the blurriness, the bike, the cafe, and the final cherry blossom scene is played in Young's mind. I mean, there's blunt force trauma, but it's not exactly subtle. I went in with high expectations, and am happy to report that this premiere exceeded most of them, with the only downfall being the seemingly old-hat-nature of the premise and some of the chaebol-centric plot movements. Wang stands out for me because Bae Jong Ok was in a bunch of other NHK dramas, always as a fleshed-out character you could empathize with-- but in TWTWB, she was a complex character who did something heinous which she was basically let off the hook for, yet the "why" of it all was never adequately explained to us. That is permanent and altered the scope of her life, but yet even at the end they are asking her to come back into Young's life. (the way to end the show?) Are they still alive? Her joy now was in helping others with similar disabilities and experiencing her love for Soo in her mind. Maybe there's no message. Wind is caused by uneven heating of the earth's surface by the sun. Which might be realistic. 2. I will have to agree to disagree on the ending. Just like Young, this show grew and developed until about halfway, when it started losing its momentum, getting more secretive, and reverting to bad old habits. Namun, rencananya segera berubah. The couple divorces. I Think the drama ended in happy ending. this reminds me why I'm not a fan of the genre. I also think it's real because Jin Sung and Hee Sung can't possibly be so cheerful had Jin Sung killed his hyung. Secretary Wang is a character whose arc started out intriguing . if (d.getElementById(id)) return; And I like how SHG played OY. He might cook too, but I didn't strike me as anything fancy. Her scene at the coffee shop was too prosaic. While she was in the taxi she felt the wind rushing throught the trees, thats why she told the taxi driver to stop the car, she wanted to walk because she wanted to feel the breeze. So much attention has been put into every character's emotions, and perhaps it was that which made the last couple of episodes lacking in spunk. Instead he grabs Gangster Wannabes knife by the blade and gives him the smack down, even going so far as to dislocate his would-be murderers shoulder. 1:35:57. Young not only forgives her, but understands that Wang loved her all this time and just couldnt express it properly. (Shes implying that people need people, and that they need each other.). One example of this uneven heating is the daily wind cycle. (I frowny-faced at that, honestly. Super evaluation! Also, I don't know what it is but there are those moment in the last episode where I know the show wants me to cry and be emotionally touched but it just didn't do it for me, specifically when Jin Sung stabbed Soo. And that took a lot of skill. I was surprised. Why did he have to go stab Soo? Soo is on a timeline to make it back to the hospital, and he cant help but think of Youngs promise of all the things she plans to tell him in the future. Yes, the picture at the end was pretty. Because, it was so sweet but then it was so BLURRY! There is absolutely no reason to vague up a happy ending so yeah that was not a happy ever after ending. Hee-sun mentions that theyre going to see Soo tomorrow, but it doesnt seem like theyre seeing him alive when they talk about what flowers to take. I did feel one thing at the end of the final episode: Thank God it is finally over! Hes clearly reluctant to go, and holds onto Youngs hand for as long as he can. Below is the information about that winter the wind blows ending explained . I loved this drama. Just read and look where Song was interviewed, she also concluded TWTWB was a happy ending story. I love it. I think soo is alive:) eith regards to yhe "blurred" background.. i noticed that too yet i understand it this way :) young can't see clearly.. shes not totally blind, the background is actually her vision (that's my take) the first time she saw soo after a year when he was on his bike i noticed it's blurred so i thought maybe it was young's vision and i confirmed it when young visited yhe restaurant she cant see him that clear but she can see him :). That Winter, the Wind Blows. I was so in love with it until that forced kiss and then it basically took a giant swing downhill. I don't think anyone will be able to wrap their head around why Jin Sung did that. News flash he's out in his tight pants and leather doing redemption deeds and looking for hee Sun's sister. Oh and Kim Bum, I don't think I can forgive you. =), We actually see the flowers Hee-sun talked about on the table, so they were for our Soo. A light breeze has a force of 2 and wind knots of 4 to 6. This show started out great but slowly became distant with the sudden implausibilities and uncertainty of what Young was thinking as well as glossing over Sec. Is this another instance of Drama Syndrome, where characters would rather undergo pain and irreparable harm than do something logical?) Jin-sungs betrayal was so out of character. And coughing drowns the parson's saw. I think the idea of ''the best friend as a traitor'' does make sense in this plot. So, THANK YOU NOH HEE KYUNG. I hate unreasonable story, because it messes my head. The graphic novel was written around the height of the Cold War. that he doesnt need it anymore, all while Young stands at her open window, ringing the glass bell as he leaves. Some of my questions might seem superficial, however I wish things had been made clear for us :-(. But it could be Minions shady-lookin dude guarding them, which means its a good thing. Except thenwhat was all that deal with Jin-sun about? Gangster Wannabe goes scurrying off with his tail between his legs just as Moo-chul collapses, spitting up blood from his stomach cancer. }); (Like Lost!, And especially because all the scenes were blurry. Jo In Sung Warms the Hearts of "That Winter" Female Staff with Gifts Jo In Sung might be getting a nickname soon as "Santa Claus." It hasn't been long since Jo In Sung gave chocolates to the staff of his current drama , " That Winter, The Wind Blows " for White Day, but the generous actor seems to be a never-ending source of gifts . We really don't know what happened when Oh soo was stubbed by Jin Sung. Jin sung tells Boss Man that all the winnings are his in order to pay Soo's debt, but Boss Man has another plan - he knows where Jin sung's family is, threatening Jin Sung to choose between Soo or his family. Make it confuse and let us choose the ending we want. This is one drama that defies logic. We knew it would be, but it hurts to see the crazed look in Jin-sungs eyes as Soo hauls himself up to eye level. xfbml : true, // parse social plugins on this page He looked dead, but it's possible he just went into shock (I mean his best friend just stabbed him--I would be shocked as hell!). Good play, Soo. Agreed. Also, um. But she didn't, her vision is only recovering, thus the blurry images. I remember reading an interview with NHK from several years ago in which she said that her aim was to write characters whom viewers could understand (and empathize with). I missed the Soo whod scold Young in front of a mall crowd for not accepting help, or the one whod return a punch thrown at him. Now shes looking toward the future, to when theyll meet again. Hes leaving, but not before he kisses her on the forehead, eyelid, and cheek. Youngs self-realizations werent dependent on her as an individual, and her decision to live didnt come from a place of autonomous empowerment or anything befitting the idea of character growth, because her change in tempo was dependent on Soos reactions. He offers to make her the same potato soup he did on their trip, but adds, I want to stay with you. Furthermore, they focused on the flowers, which looked like the lamb's ear and freesias they were talking about. When Hee Sun and Jin Sung were debating which flowers to give "Soo", they either meant to give flowers to Young's real brother Oh Soo's grave, or they wanted to bring flowers to Soo's new shop because they feel bad for Jin Sung's betrayal. Everything is leading to the ending and at no point, in time does anything get solved throughout the show. The scenario with the child and sec wang of course was only a part of the scne that it should be clear. There's a gangster figure who seemed really mean, but who is actually a bit of a softie. Jin-sung is the one to actually drop Soo off, but methinks that Soo is unaware of Jin-sungs involvement. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); So I'll only comment on the ending which is what pretty much everyone was unsure about. Connect with Facebook As far as I'm concerned I"m happy with the ending, the viewer can choose. There were a lot of "wth" moments in the last few episodes that were left unresolved. I think they are dead. Director: Kim Kyu Tae. Acting was stellar too. There are many such winds around the world, some of them cold, some warm, some wet, some dry. Setelah menjalani operasi ahir nya sang putri bisa melihat kembali meskipun tidak sepenuh nya sembuh. If that had been me, I'd have taken the knife and gone after Kim. If i have to nominate 2 things i dislike about this drama was jin sung stabbing oh soo (really bad move) and oh young not knowing or not even suspecting that oh soo might not be his real brother. I love reading your insightful, witty and humorous recaps. (And not a moment too soon!). Anyway, I thought it was clear enough that the ending was real, the blurry perspective was Young's post-surgery sight as Kaye says. Sadly, that wasn't the case. However, I really think her brain cancer would be treated with gamma knife radiation - had a friend's mother die from a brain tumor and they didn't treat with chemo but radiation. Also, I have to agree that the pace of the finale felt waaaay off. or Did the show sacrifice its potential just for fan service? Honestly, after having long hair for so long and not being able to see it, probably one of the first things I would do is buy a wigif only just to see how I looked all that time. Also, Jin Sung was actually about to stab Soo a second time, but couldn't bring himself to do it, so he dropped the knife. (Seriously! There was realism to that. There was a time when I liked watching her because I expected things to change, and when they didnt, I couldnt understand why we would be expected to be on her journey no matter how much I wanted to be. JS looked very sad at the point when he agreed to what Hee-sun suggested but the the face of JS was a type of confused or something that the director suggested for him to do to make us bewildered of what really had happened to Oh soo. So in a sense, this ending was a miracle painted in the most idealistic way possible. Meaning, the surgery was successful and Oh young survived. The novel was released as an anti-war based animated film in 1986. 3. Kim Young Hoon. Young has a surprisingly full head of long hair a year after brain surgery, and everyone seems to be having a good time. The most important thing being that Soo was still standing at the end-would have hated that he died Young was still alive. I was also wondering, why shouldn't have JS hanged up on HS? Its Jin-sung. As for the actual epilogue to all this coordinated madness, I found the actual stabbing inconsequential and the final scenes bizarre. It didn't disgust me though. That Winter The Wind Blows Ending Explain. I'm not a Kim Bum fan anyway, so when he's still acting adolescent in the tractor scene I just wanted to smack him upside the head. I don't know. Bravo to the whole cast, and especially to the dreamy Zo in Sung. I see. js = d.createElement(s); = id; Writer-nim, you are SO much better than this-- please don't squander your gift. The ending was so confusing. 1. I agree with you on the ending.The blurriness of the scene was to depict Young's perspective.After surgery her vision is most likely not going to be perfect thus there is a blurriness in her vision.Furthermore, Song Hye Kyo and Jo In Sung stated in their interviews that it was indeed a happy ending.They actually knew from the start that it would be happy ending since Writer Noh that it would be one.So hopefully everyone is no longer confused about the ending being sad or an open one. Sure, the boy gets the girl in the end, but you have no idea about HOW. But through her eyes, the focus is still so-so.

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that winter the wind blows ending explained