northwest airlines pension plan for contract employees

and services, go to regulatory information on with the objective of daily Federal Register on will remain an unofficial However, if Pinnacle has not yet consummated the IPO by the date that would otherwise be the closing date, Northwest will have the right to defer such closing date for up to 150 days, depending on Northwest's liquidity. This repetition of headings to form internal navigation links Docket (#1) COMPLAINT against Adminstrative Committee for Delta Air Lines, Inc., Northwest Airlines Pension Plan for Contract Employees ( Filing fee $ 402 receipt number 0416-9445828. The attention of interested person is directed to the following: (1) The fact that a transaction is the subject of an exemption under section 408(a) of the Act and section 4975(c)(2) of the Code does not relieve a fiduciary or other party in interest or disqualified person from certain other provisions of the Act and the Code, including any prohibited transaction provisions to which the exemption does not apply and the general fiduciary responsibility provisions of section 404 of the Act, which require, among other things, a fiduciary to discharge his or her duties respecting the plan solely in the interest of the participants and beneficiaries of the plan and in a prudent fashion in accordance with section 404(a)(1)(B) of the Act; nor does it affect the requirements of section 401(a) of the Code that the plan operate for the exclusive benefit of the employees of the employer maintaining the plan and their beneficiaries; (2) The exemption will not extend to transactions prohibited under section 406(b)(3) of the Act and section 4975(c)(1)(F) of the Code; (3) In accordance with section 408(a) of the Act and section 4975(c)(2) of the Code and the procedures set forth in 29 CFR Part 2570, Subpart B (55 FR 32836, 32847, August 10, 1990) and based upon the entire record, the Department finds that the exemption is administratively feasible, in the interests of the plans and their participants and beneficiaries and protective of the rights of the participants and beneficiaries of the plans; (4) This exemption is supplemental to, and not in derogation of, any other provisions of the Act and/or the Code, including statutory or administrative exemptions and transitional rules. In addition, U.S. Airways has recently signed an agreement with Mesa for more regional aircraft. In its determinations, the Independent Fiduciary has also taken into account Northwest's request for a minimum funding waiver with respect to Plan contributions in 2003 and 2004, and considered the likelihood that such waiver will be granted. After that date, the Omnibus Agreement provides Fiduciary Counselors with the right to cause an IPO of Pinnacle Stock. Under the Letter Agreement, the Salaried and Contract Plans will instead hold Pinnacle Stock with a value equal to approximately 8% of their respective assets. Here, they assert, the purpose of the exemption, to provide the Plans with a valuable security while maintaining Northwest's liquidity, would be undermined if assets were required to be used as collateral in connection with contributions of Pinnacle Stock. In its deliberations, which included its analysis of all aspects of the transactions, the Independent Fiduciary has consistently represented for the record that no contribution of Pinnacle Stock will be accepted on behalf of the Plans unless such transactions are found by the Independent Fiduciary to be in the interests of the Plans. Start Printed Page 49801. Northwest represents that the contribution was effected after the date on which the Department had completed work on the Proposed Exemption. '$^CBn$A;r14RNq;{!yD6@U_)fix?R:6blXsB(FyTX(EhFv$0A|z lw)HO2 %2 Document page views are updated periodically throughout the day and are cumulative counts for this document. The valuation prepared by Eclat took into consideration current industry conditions. The Independent Fiduciary negotiated further powers with respect to the Plan director, including the right to object to Business Combinations involving Northwest's affiliates. Webthe Northwest Airlines Pension Plan for Contract Employees (Collectively, the Plans) Located in Eagan, MN AGENCY: Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, Department of Labor. The allocation method made pursuant to the Letter Agreement will result in a modest change in the percentage of the Contract and Salaried Plans' assets invested in Pinnacle Stock compared to the ratable allocation contemplated by the Proposed Exemption. (d) A statement of the stock's value, the methodologies used in determining the value, the reasons for the valuation in light of the methodologies, and the reasons that the appraiser chose to apply particular valuation methods rather than others. These tools are designed to help you understand the official document Several commenters asked if Northwest would manage Pinnacle in a manner that maximizes its value. Additionally, Northwest will maintain a subaccount for each Plan within the Master Trust for so long as that Plan holds Pinnacle Stock. headings within the legal text of Federal Register documents. The Application pertaining to the exemption, the Proposed Exemption, the comments submitted to the Department and the responses to the comments, the transcript of the Hearing, and all other documents submitted to the Department concerning this exemption have been included as part of the public record of the Application. documents in the last year, 494 As noted in the Department's Interpretive Bulletin, 29 CFR 2509.94-3(d) (59 FR 66736, December 28 1994), apart from consideration of the prohibited transaction provisions, plan fiduciaries must determine that acceptance of an in-kind contribution is consistent with ERISA's general standards of fiduciary conduct. (e) A statement of the relevance or significance accorded to the valuation methodologies taken into account. The Public Inspection page may also Appendices were attached that illustrate the valuation model used and highlight some of the additional information used to conduct the analysis. As long as the Common Stock is publicly traded, no dividends accrue on the Series C Preferred Stock. The Independent Fiduciary negotiated the terms of the Put Option which provide downside protection by permitting the Plans to sell the Pinnacle Stock back to Northwest for the greater of the original value at which it was credited to the funding standard account or its fair market value at the time it is sold back to Northwest. 3. Total number of active participants reported on line 7a of the Form 5500. Accordingly, the fiduciaries of a plan must act prudently, solely in the interest of the plan's participants and beneficiaries, and with a view to the need to diversify plan assets when deciding whether to accept an in-kind contribution. documents in the last year, 19 Northwest has from 30 to 180 days to settle the option. case no. Comment: Several commenters expressed concern that the exemption would expose the Plans to increased underfunding in the future. Northwest expects that the Start Printed Page 49807board, like any board fulfilling its fiduciary duties, will seek to maximize the value of the enterprise. Future contributions of Pinnacle Stock will continue to be subject to independent review and valuation. Rebecca Moore. For the reasons set forth below, the Independent Fiduciary has concluded that it is prudent for the Plans to accept the Contribution and that the Contribution is in the interest of the Plans and their participants and beneficiaries: Transfer restrictions on Pinnacle Stock held by the Plans are reasonable in light of the Put Option. )J',^3rieAM7+%n[(PiZZ3'MC1*v dog off leash ticket california; Income Tax. We want to do so as soon as possible. However, as noted in Northwest's Application, the final terms of the Put Option were subject to negotiation with Fiduciary Counselors. To exercise the Put Option, the Independent Fiduciary must provide written notice to Northwest of its election to put to Northwest any or all of the shares of Pinnacle Stock then held by the Plans. Similar considerations will be taken into account by Fiduciary Counselors in determining whether to accept any future contribution of Pinnacle Stock. The IF Report represents that, in the January 15, 2003 Valuation, Eclat determined that the net equity value (before discounts) of Pinnacle was $412,923,928.00. Web2009: NORTHWEST AIRLINES RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN FOR SALARIED EMPLOYEES 2009 401k membership. The Department has, in transactions of this nature, placed emphasis on the need for an Independent Fiduciary and on such Independent Fiduciary's considered and objective evaluation of the transactions. Based on current client engagements, Fiduciary Counselors anticipates that the portion retained by it will comprise less than 5% of Fiduciary Counselors' gross revenue for 2003. Finally, Northwest notes that regional airline stocks have generally been less volatile and better performing than the stocks of major airlines. Thus, almost all of the Series C Preferred Stock that remains in the Employee Stock Plan is allocated to the accounts of employees represented by the IAM and IBT. September 9, 2005 ( - Northwest Airlines has frozen two pension plans that cover salaried employees, Business Insurance reports. The Pinnacle Stock contributed to the Pilot Plan will be held in a separate, segregated subaccount of the Master Trust and held for the exclusive benefit of the Pilot Plan. rendition of the daily Federal Register on does not 04/28/2023, 258 However, the Omnibus Agreement revises this provision to provide that, if Pinnacle Stock is publicly traded, the Deferral will be reduced, in each case, by thirty days except that in no event shall Northwest have less than a 30 day Deferral in which to close the transactions contemplated by the Put Option. The IF Report provides that the Independent Fiduciary and its advisors participated in numerous telephone conferences with representatives of Northwest and Pinnacle through November, December and early January concerning the Independent Fiduciary's engagement, the proposed Contribution, the status of Northwest's minimum funding waiver applications to the Internal Revenue Service and the Proposed Exemption. In 1994 through 1997, Northwest made annual contributions of Series C Preferred Stock to the Employee Stock Plan for the benefit of employees represented by the IAM and IBT (the other labor groups had converted their right to receive Series C Preferred Stock into Common Stock under the Special Conversion Option described below). Thus, the ALPA agreement will be formally entered into and effective on the date of the voluntary contribution. This table of contents is a navigational tool, processed from the In addition, the Independent Fiduciary will monitor on an ongoing basis the prudence of the Plans' continued holding of Pinnacle Stock consistent with the fiduciary standards of ERISA. 6. (i) An analysis of Pinnacle's financial condition and earning capacity. Reported by. Any remaining Pinnacle stock will then be contributed to the Contract Plan. In addition, Pinnacle has an independent Board of Directors with one member appointed by Fiduciary Counselors, and the Fiduciary Counselors-appointed Board member is entitled to special voting rights on certain matters. Moreover, the Plans will receive all of any investment gains attributable to their shares of Pinnacle Stock at the time of an IPO. The Special Conversion Option expired on February 9, 1994. The Delaware law does not apply to the repurchase of Pinnacle Stock, which is not treated as NWA Corp.'s own stock. Fiduciary Counselors and Eclat represent that Eclat was originally retained by PBGC to value Pinnacle and to evaluate the financial viability of Northwest. See Omnibus Agreement at section 6.2. Some commenters asked if Northwest would be willing to guarantee the Plans a minimum rate of return on the Pinnacle Stock such as a rate equal to the inflation rate. documents in the last year, 422 The Department notes that the appointment of an independent fiduciary to represent the interests of the Plans with respect to the transactions that are the subject of the exemption request was a material factor in its determination to propose exemptive relief. On July 11, 2003, Fiduciary Counselors informed the Department that Fiduciary Counselors Inc. (formerly Aon Fiduciary Counselors, Inc.) (Fiduciary Counselors) is no longer a subsidiary of Aon Corporation. 2009-01-01. In 2005, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. took over four United Airlines pension plans, incurring a $7.35 billion loss. Open for Comment, Applications for New Awards-American History and Civics Education National Activities Program, Economic Sanctions & Foreign Assets Control, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Salmonella in Not-Ready-To-Eat Breaded Stuffed Chicken Products, Authority To Order the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty To Address International Drug Trafficking, Revitalizing Our Nation's Commitment to Environmental Justice for All, Employee Benefits Security Administration, Valuation in Connection With the Right of First Refusal, Fiduciary Counselors March 5, 2003 Comment, Fiduciary Counselors and Eclat April 25, 2003 Submissions, The Eclat Report and the January 15, 2003 Valuation, Negotiation of the Term Sheet and Omnibus Agreement, The Independent Fiduciary's Determinations, Airline Industry and Northwest Financial Condition, Collateral for Pinnacle Stock Contribution, Northwest May 20 and June 10, 2003 Comment Letters, Fiduciary Counselors' July 11, 2003 Submission, Change of Affiliation of Fiduciary Counselors, Termination of the Independent Fiduciary Agreement, Northwest and ALPA Agreement Regarding Pinnacle Stock, August 6, 2003 Northwest and Independent Fiduciary Response, Enhanced Communication with Plan Participants,, MODS: Government Publishing Office metadata, Current Liability using 6.65% interest rate (IRC 412(l)), Market Value of Assets (with PY02 accrued contributions), Actuarial Value of Assets (with PY02 accrued contributions). In its filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, Northwest Airlines highlighted a pension deficit that's now reached $3.8 billion. As the Plans' independent fiduciary, Fiduciary Counselors must act prudently and in the interests of the Plans and their participants. If you are eligible, the Plan can provide a benefit toyou when you retire and even continue a benefit to yourspouse or another person Other employee groups at the carrier are left with a 401(k) plan that offers no guarantee and places the investment risk on employ-ees themselves. WebThis booklet describes the Northwest Airlines Pension Plan forContract Employees (the Plan and the Contract PensionPlan). The requirement that the director nominated by the Plans approve any changes in the ASA will ensure that any modification of those terms is done only if the changes, taken as a whole, are favorable to Pinnacle and its shareholders, including the Plans. From a fiduciary standpoint, Independent Fiduciary was required to determine whether the terms it negotiated in the Omnibus Agreement and its decision whether to accept the Contribution were prudent, for the benefit of, and in the interest of, Plan participants and their beneficiaries. Eclat was provided with Pinnacle's audited financial statements for the years 2000 and 2001. Total cost is only $ 299.00. The Proposed Exemption contemplates both voluntary and required contributions to the Northwest Plans, as did the Application filed by Northwest on November 6, 2002 and the Omnibus Agreement. Ms. DuVaney is a participant in the Conclude Plan, one defined benefit blueprint for unity members traditional by Far Airlines Corp. in 1970, covering every Northwest employees before Oct. 1, 2006. provide legal notice to the public or judicial notice to the courts. For example, Fiduciary Counselors appointed a director to Pinnacle's board who sits on the board's audit committee. Northwest asserts that in valuing Pinnacle Stock, there are well-established valuation methodologies available to the valuation experts to assess the value of non-public securities like Pinnacle Stock. As a board, we recognize the valuable contributions our employees made to the company during the 1993-1996 wage reduction period and acknowledge the company's obligation to buy back the Series C Preferred Stock. As previously mentioned in the March 3 Comment, the changes to the description of the Put Option in the Proposed Exemption are noted by the Independent Fiduciary who adds that the Proposed Exemption should be revised in accordance with the definition of Market Value in section 1.1 and the language of section 8.3 of the Omnibus Agreement. This exemption is conditioned upon adherence to the material facts and representations described herein and upon satisfaction of the following requirements: (a) The Plans acquire the Pinnacle Stock through one or more contributions by Northwest during the calendar years 2003 and 2004; (b) An independent qualified fiduciary (the Independent Fiduciary), acting on behalf of the Plans, represents the Plans' interests for all purposes with respect to the Pinnacle Stock, and determines, prior to entering into any of the transactions described herein, that each such transaction, including the contribution of the Pinnacle Stock, is in the interests of the Plans; (c) The Independent Fiduciary negotiates and approves the terms of any of the transactions between the Plans and Northwest that relate to the Pinnacle Stock; (d) The Independent Fiduciary manages the holding and disposition of the Pinnacle Stock and takes whatever actions it deems necessary to protect the rights of the Plans with respect to the Pinnacle Stock; (e) The terms of any transactions between the Plans and Northwest are no less favorable to the Plans than terms negotiated at arm's-length under similar circumstances between unrelated third parties; (f) The Independent Fiduciary determines the fair market value of the Pinnacle Stock contributed to each plan as of the date of each such contribution. Comment: A number of comments expressed concerns that Pinnacle Stock is a risky and illiquid investment and hard to value because there is no established market for the security. The third expert then determines which of the two assessed values should be assigned to such non-cash consideration. The Department asked the Independent Fiduciary if the January 15, 2003 Valuation was based on audited financial statements. travel symbol copy and paste In addition, the Independent Fiduciary reviewed a number of other documents, including SEC Form S-1 filed with the Securities Exchange Commission on February 25, 2002 registering shares of Pinnacle Stock for an IPO and the Airline Services Agreement dated March 1, 2002. 2,955. *PBGC Benefit Application - When a participant terminates employment with United and wants to start their pension s/he needs to contact the Field Benefit Administrator (FBA). NWAI then transferred the Pinnacle Shares and the Series A Preferred Share to Northwest as a contribution to the capital of Northwest. Northwest has entered into a 10-year ASA with Pinnacle through 2012 that provides substantial value. The Independent Fiduciary represents that the description of the valuation by Eclat Consulting (Eclat) of Pinnacle in the Proposed Exemption commencing in the second column of 68 FR 2580 (the Eclat Report) should be updated to reflect Eclat's valuation of Pinnacle as of January 15, 2003. The voluntary contribution to the Pilot Plan will consist entirely of Pinnacle Stock. Fiduciary Counselors assumed that since Northwest could take up to 180 days to settle the option that it would. The drop-off in premium passenger traffic, the weak U.S. economy, and the increased presence of low-cost carriers has impacted the ability of the network carriers to generate high yield revenue. In addition, the Independent Fiduciary negotiated that Northwest Airlines Corporation (NWA Corp), Northwest's ultimate parent company, will guarantee Northwest's obligations under the Omnibus Agreement, including the consummation of the Put Option. Registration rights and Plan director's rights preserve the value of the Pinnacle Stock while held by the Plans. Northwest believes that the final terms for the Put Option, which are more favorable to the Plans, are more completely and accurately stated in the description of the Put Option contained in the description of the Term Sheet as set forth at 68 FR 2587. As with the Term Sheet, the final Omnibus Agreement provides that the Deferral shall be shortened if Pinnacle Stock is publicly traded. The IF Report states that Eclat's clients come from almost every sector of the aviation industryairports, airlines, labor organizations and aerospace/aeronautics corporations. The Investment Fund holds Pinnacle Stock on behalf of the Contract Plan and the Salaried Plan. documents in the last year, 887 As a result of its review, certain changes were incorporated in the new Airline Services Agreement entered into on January 14, 2003 (ASA). Once Pinnacle Stock is publicly traded, the Put Option will be suspended if all of the remaining shares of Pinnacle Stock held by the Plans have a market value not less than 110% of the Floor Price and such shares are freely tradable. The Independent Fiduciary represents that after extensive negotiations during November and December, 2002, and January, 2003, Fiduciary Counselors and Northwest, along with Pinnacle and NWA Corp., Northwest's ultimate parent company, entered into an Omnibus Agreement, dated January 15, 2003, which sets forth the terms and conditions pursuant to which Fiduciary Counselors will accept the Pinnacle Stock (the Contribution).[6]. See Omnibus Agreement at section 9.1(d). WebThe Pension Plan is a tax-qualified defined benefit pension plan for the benefit of eligible union- represented employees of Northwest Airlines. WebThe Plan provides that Northwest will determine whether the employee is totally and permanently disabled based on the employee's medical reports. By permitting the contribution of Pinnacle Stock, Northwest is able to preserve needed cash so that it can withstand several years of losses. Prior to valuing the put option, Eclat's estimate of the value of Pinnacle was $333,436,072, after application of an illiquidity discount of 15% and a minority discount of 5%. northwest airlines pension information. Indeed, during the 1990's, Northwest contributed to its pension plans millions of dollars more than the required amount of contributions. The notice set forth a summary of the facts and representations contained in Northwest's November 6, 2002 application for exemptive relief (Application) and referred interested persons to the Application for a complete statement of the facts and representations. Northwest represents that the final terms of the Omnibus Agreement reflect the fact that Fiduciary Counselors has represented the Plans' interests. In the March 5 Comment, Fiduciary Counselors corrected previous information provided to the Department in the Proposed Exemption with reference to employer securities or employer real property in the last sentence of paragraph 14 in column 1 of 68 FR 2584 (emphasis added) and each other place it occurs. If accepting an in-kind contribution is not prudent, not solely in the interest of the participants and beneficiaries of the plan, or would result in an improper lack of diversification of plan assets, the responsible fiduciaries of the plan Start Printed Page 49800would be liable for any losses resulting from such a breach of fiduciary responsibility, even if a contribution in kind does not constitute a prohibited transaction under section 406 of ERISA. In this regard, Northwest believes that this provided even more favorable terms for the Plans than those reflected in the Term Sheet.[2]. 2. Northwest provided that the Omnibus Agreement guarantees that the Plans always receive the greater of the initial contribution value of Pinnacle Stock or the value of the stock at the time of an IPO or the exercise of the Put Option. The hearing on the Proposed Exemption was held on May 5 and 6, 2003 at the Department of Labor (the Hearing). WebNorthwest Airlines Pension Plan for Salaried Employees : C/O Delta Air Lines, Inc., 1030 Delta Boulevard, Atlanta, US-GA, 30354, US: Northwest Airlines Pension Plan for Contract Employees : C/O Delta Air Lines, Inc., 1030 Delta Boulevard, Atlanta, US-GA, 30354, US: 2012-12-04: Entities in the same postal code. Omnibus Agreement at section 7.2, Certain Approval Rights. Northwest will make a voluntary contribution to the Pilot Plan on or before September 15, 2003 so that the funded current liability percentage for the Plan is at least 80% for the 2003 Plan Year. Fiduciary Counselors adds that AIC, which remains a subsidiary of Aon, will continue to act as advisor in connection with this engagement. documents in the last year, 295 The Independent Fiduciary must ensure that each appraisal, at a minimum, includes the following elements: (a) A summary of the appraiser's qualifications to evaluate Pinnacle Stock. The board noted that the company's obligation to the holders of the Series C Preferred Stock continues until Northwest has the ability to repurchase the Series C Preferred Stock. Wendy M. McColough of the Office of Exemption Determinations, Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, telephone (202) 693-8540. In addition, under the Agreements, the trustee of each plan was given a one time Special Conversion Option that, if elected, resulted in the relevant trusts receiving Common Stock at the rate of 1.9096 shares of Common Stock for each share of the Series C Preferred Stock that they would have otherwise received. Ellen A. Hennessy will continue to be the primary person at Fiduciary Counselors handling its responsibilities as independent fiduciary to the Northwest Airlines defined benefit plans. The time to employees for northwest airlines cited. grassroots elite basketball ; why does ted lasso have a southern accent . ; App. As of June 30, 2003, Fiduciary Counselors was acquired by Fiduciary Group, Inc., in a management-led buyout. travel symbol copy and paste [FR Doc. The Independent Fiduciary notes that the Proposed Exemption, in the first column of 68 FR 2580 (first full paragraph), makes reference to voting restrictions and limits on the ability of the Plans to dispose of the Pinnacle Stock, except pursuant to an initial public offering (IPO) initiated by Northwest or by exercise of the Put Option. The selection of an independent qualified appraiser to determine the value of an in-kind contribution and the acceptance of the resulting valuation are fiduciary decisions governed by the provisions of Part 4 of Title I ERISA. 68 FR 49792 - Northwest Airlines Pension Plan for Salaried Employees (Salaried Plan), the Northwest Airlines Pension Plan for Pilot Employees (Pilot Plan), and the Northwest Airlines Pension Plan for Contract Employees (Contract Plan) (Collectively, the Plans), Located in Eagan, MN - Content Details - 03-21162 Download

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northwest airlines pension plan for contract employees