missing my husband poems

Bless all of you so new in your grief. The most difficult thing for me since your death, is not being able to do things without thinking about you. He would have been 48 next month and was fit and healthy. I miss him so much. I will be yours infinity times infinity just as we always saiduntil my ashes mix with yours and we are joined again! We have a 33-year-old son and he is everything to me. I still expect to wake up and this will all be the worst nightmare I've ever had. You carry them with you in everything you do and everywhere you go. He would be so proud of our children, they are kind, loving, helpful and just plain wonderful. I pray he is with me and our 3 kids in spirit. Darling you were ripped from our lives so suddenly before we had the chance to say goodbye or sorry for everything. I had 30 wonderful years with him. I've never met anyone like him before. I carry on He was dying before my eyes. PLEASE take care of yourself, and do NOT think about taking your life in order to be with your husband! People don't know the feeling of losing a husband until it actually happens to them. After calming him down and getting a nurse, I asked why does he not have bed rails? My husband Robert the love of my life passed away 3 days after our 34th Anniversary after a fall left him bleedIG in his brain. I have to pretend to be happy every day, pretend to be 'normal' whatever that is anymore. I miss him so much. My husband has been gone for 17 months, and I still cry for him a lot. It's the kind of heartache you can feel in your bones. My son is 13 and the only reason I have to get up every day. My worst time every year runs from Halloween to Valentines Day(our anniversary) and then it subsides and picks up again June-August (her diagnosis to our ending). I terribly missed him, super missed. I miss him so bad. To all the widows that have written and shared their stories my heart breaks for you too. Miss him putting his arms around me when we went to sleep. I can't think or sleep. Time, just only passes by. I lay here in the dark for hours staring at the ceiling. He is my Johnmy precious John! After that there was one infection after another. I'm so lost and angry, and I feel like I might be losing my mind, and more than anything else I feel like I need to be a better person for my babies. We watched a movie and he talked with our daughter. I miss him a lot. I hate those words. I literally thought I must be dreaming. I wanted to go with him. When I read this writing I just wanted to share my story little bit. I really believe a piece of my heart went with him. It takes my breath away. I lost my husband last October 23rd. My condolences to you. If only we could go back and love like this again! It was routine for him to walk me to my car so I could go to work. I try to smile and put on a "happy" face for the world. We were happy, we were a complete family who overcame struggles from our pasts, cancer scares, alcohol and more, yet this happens. We were married for 28 years and have two wonderful children. We were in Florida to attend our daughter's wedding. We were together for 13 years, married 3. All other content on this website is Copyright 2006-2023 FFP Inc. All rights reserved. As most of you have said no one, absolutely no one understands the pain I or any of us feel Craig, my husband, went in for open heart surgery. I am so sorry for your loss. Ruthann, Ohio. I don't like it when people refer to him as was. All of our husbands would want us to be happy in our lives. You decide the best way for yourselfno one else. The laughter has been silenced. I met him when I was 16, and I am now 58. I have lost the will to live and was sent home from the hospital and wasn't with him when he passed away. 7. I'm strong as I've not been alone mainly because my family wants to make sure I'm ok. He was 43 years old. The nights are long, the days are short, and I keep praying and hoping it will get better. Then the cancer came and took my best friend. Which I love with all my heart. I lost my husband, soulmate, and best friend nearly three years ago very suddenly. I lost my husband almost a year ago to the date, June 23, 2019. I know he would want me to go on living. I will love him forever more than I can explain. I have to know, can you go on with things? I had to say goodbye to my Jerry on January 14, 2018. I feel so much pressure from others to move on. I cry my silent tears. He's never coming back. I said in all the major hospitals he has been in he had rails! I can't do it alone. It came back normal, but he had chest pains and then they decided to send him to ER. I feel him everywhere. Hi, my husband passed 02/13/2017, and since then my life will never be the same. He lost the battle and he's now resting with the Lord. Love to all of you. Our 30 year marriage was a wonderful one. I don't know what's ahead for me. In 48 hours the love of my life died. Perfect WhatsApp image to send each other to start a new day by Saying I love you and I . Massive heart attack. Before I met him I thought I wasn't having any more kids, so I had my tubes tide. Our youngest a girl turned 2, eight days after he was killed. I keep trying to get my life together{ Other peoples words not my own}. I had been taking care of him more than 10 years. I am blessed, thankful to have had him for so long. He passed at 71, and I'm only 49. I have no pain in leaving. There are times I feel a little better, but I start driving to the store and suddenly I'm crying so loud, wishing he was with me! He had been battling cancer for three years. He went home on March 17th I only thought I'd been thru it all NOT. I lost my husband of almost 25 years on 2/12/19. Thank you for the poem! They put her into the hospice facility where she lasted 8 days until I was with her when she took her last breath. I am also struggling, crying every day. I don't think I'll ever get over this, but I do know that this too shall pass. Eventually we ended up in the hospital. I miss you Poems for him . It's going to be a long haul. I feel like I can really feel my heart crying. You will never forget him but you will remember with fond memories and that will be a great comfort to you. This Enormous emptiness engulfs what is my new normal life. I married a lady who lost her fianc just before the alter. Life moves on and basically drags you with it leaving you still trying to compute the harsh reality. I am so very sorry for your loss. Much love and strength to you all. It doesn't help that today's my birthday. I go to work, make sure I am there for our children & try to survive against all odds! Grieve all you want. I lost my Husband in a tragic vehicle accident 5 years ago leaving me with a then 12, 10 & 8 years olds. Thank you for the poem. I am so lonely for him not anyone else. I am a born again Christian, but l am in pain. He had a total of 3 open hearts surgeries with 2 of them being 3 months apart. I came home and found him peacefully asleep, forever. One foot in front of the other & try to smile! Don't forget about it. I lost my wonderful wife, best friend, lover, and support system on August 9 to lung cancer that had gone to her brain. My husband died five years ago at age 58. He passed in his sleep. He lost a long battle with Alzheimer's and several strokes. In hindsight, I should have made my kids come too as now 3 years later they struggle with bouts of sadness. I certainly didn't know what to do, the nurse's came in and gave him some Morphine. I am in the air that you breathe. My heart was crushed! You are so right about grieving. He doesn't answer, just like when he was alive! I feel guilty even thinking about a sexual relationship with anyone else. I am retired but am now forced to work again at 64. He developed hepatic encephalopathy during his last month of life, so my most vivid memories are of him being confused, having tremors, not being able to walk without help, or feed himself, he was restless, and said he couldn't breathe. I go over that morning every day in my mind, thinking maybe he called me and I didn't hear him. We were finally, after 37 years, free and clear and ready and planning to take on the world of grandparents and travel and just enjoy life after both working 40 years each. Any thoughts would be great. It hurts. Kill yourself when you are depressed? John. We were married 10 years. For it desperately seeks. I lost my husband 602 days ago. A third party took him away from me, one I could not fight and it consumed him and claimed his life. You see, he was widowed when we met and I was divorced. He was only 65 and healthy. Oh why, why, why, I keep asking. This is now my retirement. I am afraid I can never love anyone again. God is not done with me yet. I still need him! I'm just an empty shell without him. I can't bear this pain, but I will if someone can promise me that he will be there waiting when my time comes. If we weren't on our bikes we would ride the bus or light rail. He always appeared to be a fit man, but one night he collapsed into my arms and he died early the next morning. I sit alone now in the darkness of despair. Our kids are all grown and they are all wonderful but the empty house when I come home at the end of the day is almost unbearable. I miss him. But having to part ways with you was heartbreaking. I was left without a husband or a child. We met in high school. Then I thought of our grandchildren that we love so much. People keep on telling me to move on and yes honestly slowly I'm trying to move on but I can feel the emptiness within myself now, living a life without him. Not once but twice. People say time heals, but I found I feel worse. We were married 34 years. He was my everything. He was our center, our life evolved around him. I lost my husband of 33 1/2 years of marriage. A few days before his passing, he burst into tears in his hospital bed and said "I can't lose you". They did all they could, but his was also a heart aneurysm. Nothing helps to relieve your pain. I don't know how to explain. He was a talented singer too and a very loving and caring husband and father for 39 years. I keep hoping they will get easier, but they don't. We were very close, and I still can't believe I'll never see his sweet smile, hold his hand, or enjoy his since of humor! Nancy. Her words helped make me feel not alone in my feelings as I approach the second anniversary of my beloved, Lou on 8-2-16. He passed one week after bringing him home. I just lost my husband 11 days ago in a tragic accident. I am in the rain that fills your springs. I find many widows and widowers feel like they're floundering as time passes. I know your grief, and it hurts so bad. I am sad and full of tears. My heart is just broken, and I'll never get over this. I always knew I was so much better with Lou than without him. He is, and your husband is also. He had to have emergency brain surgery and wasn't responding for almost a week. I stumbled across this site, and I really love the messages people share about their loss. I found him gone in his sleep Sunday. I cannot count them all. I always speak to my Boo Boo and know he's there listening to me. He is with me always as he'd promised me faithfully he would be. I lost my husband of 19 years on 10/15/16 at 9:27 AM. I just have to know if I will survive. Many trips to Iowa City to see the liver doctor. Here I am with our son at the age of 12 when his father passed away and not understanding how this can happen. I am in constant pain, and my eldest sees my heart. I tell them all the time that daddy loves them and is keeping an eye on them from heaven. I cry my silent tears. I refused to believe what the doctors were saying. I can only cry when no one is around; why is that? She was only 62, and I'm 64. The end of life was expected, but the pain seems worse now that she is gone. today even if it's just for the day. The pain I still feel everyday. They are right next to us. He did everything for me. He was told he had this on Sept 13, 2016. I am lucky if I can sleep for 5 hours a night, since that day 5 years ago! I can't stay in my house because it is so empty without him. Not a word, not an explanation, not a reason. I loved deeply, wondrously, and passionately. He died at home with me and our youngest daughter at his side. I have my empty house where I call out her name and ask her, "Where are you? Then at around 7:30 p.m. he was ready to go home. God, I miss him so much, miss his voice, want to talk to him so bad, want him to walk in the door one more time. We were teens, and all of the sudden he decided to go. My pulse plunges. To be with him I lost my husband on February 1st, 2017. Grieving is really hard and it's terribly sad every day. I, too, lost my soul mate April 28th 2017 in our home. He had been riding bikes since he was 3. No one informed us of what happen to him until we found it from our family phone tracker. For now, I am taking it hour by hour, day by day and hope that someday I will be able to think about him and smile instead of cry. My dear husband had never been sick yet the last 17 days of his life was in a hospital. We had been married 50 years and together 56 years--since we were 15 years old. I feel the same as you. I prayed to God to give me the strength to get stronger to show them to pray and never give up hope. People tell me I should get "over it". I lost my husband 2 years ago. he replied, "I need to." It would have been our 13th anniversary on Sept 9th. I AM SO EMPTY INSIDE. I know that someday, we shall meet again. He broke all stitches open. He caught e-coli and died in my arms. I am always thinking about you. Trusted him to not leave me or hurt or carelessly shove me aside. I turned on the light and tried to wake him up but he stopped breathing. I miss him so much. But they did not. I feel your pain because I lost my hubby of 13 years in August of this year. I feel so lost and alone. I'm not sure that it will ever go away, but I cope with distractions. I suffer from anxiety and depression because l miss him so much. Everyone thinks I am doing great as I have friends, involved in church and activities, and helping others, but in actuality, I am doing worse than I was a year ago. My husband died almost a year ago and my boys are only teenagers. I miss him so much. He stole my heart. . Thank you my friend for that. He was in the Navy. I really don't want to live without my baby. I still feel the pain and the heartache. Our children needed him, I needed him, all we have is each other. He was my John again. <3 Reply by Mcgeorge Bsure 4 years ago My husband of 46 years passed away unexpectedly one month ago. You melted my heart. Made me feel mad, angry but sad and empty. It feels like someone ripped out my soul, shredded it and mixed it back in wrong. 8. Our families rock. I miss my husband so much. I truly thought I could not go on without him but every day gets better. I also know that he would want nothing more than for me to be happy because that's how he lived his life every day. He had a very short battle. I don't know how I'm going to go on without him. Got out, ran to back of the truck. Get out of here. My heart bleeds profusely. I woke up, realizing he didn't come kiss me goodbye. Pray for you always.RIP. The nights are just the hardesthis face kept haunting mekept coming to my dreamI keep hearing a friend said that life still goes on, yeah it's easy for them to say it because they don't know how painful and regret I feel. I lost my husband to murder. Poem About Being Lost Without Wife I was down tonight thinking of my wife who passed away in April 2011. Featured Shared Story I lost my wife on February 4th, 2021 to cancer after 4-and-a-half-year battle in remission. He loved them before he even met them. It's so hard trying to wrap my brain around him not being here. I do not want a replacement mateI want my best friend and soul mate back here beside me. Then one day he was gone. Every day feels like another heartbreak. Can you go into infinity percent, maybe that would be it? But for whatever reason we had his birthday dinner the night before. I left my whole family to be with him. I think he knew. He was gone so soon. Sweet dreams Babe. Our world crumbled. Blessings to all. He showed me how to be a better person, father, partner and lover. I am 55 and I lost my first husband 14 years ago to lung cancer. Best I Miss You Poems 1 A Memory by Lola Ridge 2 The Sea of Glass by Ezra Pound 3 Dove, Interrupted by Lucie Brock-Broido 4 The Wife's Lament by Anonymous 5 Bei Hennef by D.H. Lawrence 6 Romance Sonmbulo by Federico Garca Lorca 7 Time does not bring relief; you all have lied by Edna St. Vincent Millay 8 I Cannot Live With You by Emily Dickinson Our children became brothers and sisters. I cry driving, showering, and anything else. No chance to say goodbye. Don't know how I am supposed to live without him. Your mesmerizing touch. I'm angry at myself, at the doctors, at him. The pain of losing a loved one is very personal. I don't know how to live, I was 16 when we became inseparable. We experienced all of the for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health before we even got married as he lived with end stage renal failure prior to us getting married. Nobody could take his place because he was a one of a kind. 1. I know my friends are tired of seeing my sadness on Facebook. Breathe. My prayers are with you and your family. I need him to help me guide our kids. I cry alone, at night because no one wants to hear I am not doing ok..thank you for sharing ladies, it is comforting knowing I am not alone. My precious husband passed away August 10th, 2012. I, too, lost my husband 7 weeks ago from an accident. But even if you do not have children, you were left on this earth for a purpose - you have unique gifts that the rest of the world needs. I lost my husband of 23 years 5 months ago - 10/27/18. I have remarried happily, but I miss him every day and talk to him. No one else ever gave me that. That is one of my big achievements. And even if at times, I didn't get it, he spent the last seven years where he wanted. He was killed while at work. I miss him more every day. "Afterglow" by Helen Lowrie Marshall. But when I go to heaven God will get us one to ride in Heaven. I miss her. I actually felt safe in my own skin with him. I can't sleep, and eating is very few and far between. We decided to sell our house to travel. Nothing mattered to me. Talk about a "double whammy!" some say you will get over it, well if you haven't lost a loved one close to you, you will never get over it. My life has also not been that easy, and I always felt he was a gift to me to make me finally feel safe. My wonderful husband died one month and two days ago.

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