how many fake vietnam veterans are there

Vietnam veterans welcome home commemoration : This ain't Hell, but you ), It seems, Darrow 'Duke' Tully resigned as publisher of the Arizona Republic and Phoenix Gazette newspapers 18 months ago after it was revealed that his claims of having been a combat pilot in Vietnam and Korean wars were false. The number of personnel serving in Vietnam year by year (No. an email address so they might have been there and I therefore did not find the In 1983, as the Vietnam Veterans of America was gaining prominence, it was disclosed that one of its spokesman was a fake ex-POW. Men in period uniforms scrambled across the beach between mock explosions, as the reporter interviewed D-Day veterans who came to watch. It starts off simple enough. count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country was: Military impostor - Wikipedia WASHINGTON -- There is a growing army of imposters hustling for glory, compassion, hand-outs or sometimes just work by posing as Vietnam combat veterans, experts say. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Members of chapter 239 of the Vietnam Veterans of America rushed to his aid. He brought out a shadow box filled with decorations and a folded flag; his kids had made it for him, he said. And, oh by the way, a Purple Heart and a few other honors earned. You took part in one of the greatest assaults in U.S. military history?. Joining is simple and . I then told him what Id learned and asked, Did you lie to me?, In a voice that suddenly sounded creaky and 10 years older yet sort of childlike, as though fearing a reprimand he replied, slowly, Yes.. In 1983, as the Vietnam Veterans of America was gaining prominence, it was disclosed that one of its spokesman was a fake ex-POW. After one local vagrant killed a policeman, the next days headline read, VIETNAM VETERAN GOES BERSERK. Copyright 2023 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Disclosure of the facts contributed to his demise. The numbers quoted by me were based on all these sources, though it had been suggested, and I followed suit, that some 13,000,000 had lied on the census form. Richard Blumenthal Not the First Public Official to Misstate Military I don't need to pretend to be some super secret squirrel sniper badass force recon dude. I have found references that suggest the number came from the Veterans of The result is that for more than 25 years, many Americans have thought of Viet vets as jobless, homeless, addicted, suicidal or deranged "victim-heroes.". In 1990 and again in 2000, there was a question on the census long form that asked if the respondent was a Vietnam era veteran, and the number generated there was about 8.4 million. All others should not be accepted to have served either on land or at sea in Vietnam. The alleged 13.8 million fakers or four out of five who claim to be Vietnam vets is CLEARLY stated as being based on U.S. CENSUS DATA, not some independent survey. A raspy voice inquired: Are you all still collecting D-Day stories? 'One observation made in a number of cases is that the individual who is posing as a vet, in fact, does have conflicts about Vietnam war, which are being expressed in this indirect and disguised fashion,' Blank said. So it becomes I would think of as reliable sources except I do not have copies of either shows that much of what they print is politically driven. Veterans overcome by emotions as Vietnam Moving Memorial Wall makes (Video) A Vietnam Vet. One of the reasons, Burkett and others say, is that the "homeless vet" you see begging on the street may well be a fake, and he's spreading the widely publicized lie. They shouldn't bother. The efforts of latter-day watch-dogs such as Sterner, Burkett, the Schantags, fake Navy SEALcatcher Steve Robinson and others have given military fakery the appearance of being a modern phenomenon, particularly during the Vietnam era. I've run into a half dozen in the last few years, that were to quick to tell stories of their heroics & actions.Too me IF one says they were a Seal, or a Green Beret, I push a bit. "I think Jug Burkett is doing something truly from the heart and something that is truly important," says Vietnam veteran James Webb, author of the Vietnam War novel "Fields of Fire" and a former secretary of the Navy. However, veterans groups estimate that today approximately 9 to 12 million Americans fraudulently claim they served in Vietnam. The increase in their ranks in recent years corresponds with a positive shift in public sentiment about Vietnam vets and a wave of books, television shows and movies about the war, such as the motion picture 'Platoon. An archive compiled by a national prisoner-of-war. claiming to have served in-country is: 13,853,027. 569 again lists an ESTIMATED 8.744 million active duty military personnel during the Vietnam era, here defined as Aug. 4, 1964 to Jan. 27, 1973. was not saying it was for service in Vietnam. Vietnam veteran - Wikipedia But, the former Ranger said, call this other former Ranger down in Pennsylvania; he was in that unit. 'I'm not going to say we don't care. Bill Williamson US Army Vietnam Veteran, Blog of shame. I certainly haven't come across it personally. Vietnam Veterans represent the largest cohort of American Veterans in . DURING THAT SAME CENSUS COUNT, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country was: 9,492,958. The census figures do confirm the 8.5 million number. He was driven out of the group. In short order, photographer Ken Lyons and I were sitting in the fellows sun-splashed back yard. I have searched in vain for this alleged FBI study. Someone Marshal Hanson (and apparently quoted by every vet site as complete gospel), he provides the U.S. Census as the source, just like everybody Interesting CENSUS STATS and Been There Wanabees: a. "It was so difficult. identified about 1.7 million Vietnam Veterans still alive at the time of the A judge sentenced Cooley to two years probation, a $5,000 fine and 100 hours of community service. Military fakery is hardly limited to the down-and-out, however. How to Spot a Military Impostor? - The Most Effective Method Vietnam Vets, Are There Any Vietnam Vets Still Alive Fully Explained 1,713,823 of those who served in Vietnam were still alive as of August, 1995 (CENSUS FIGURES). Same for number of active duty personnel during this period (in No. Accounts vary as to how Daubmanns lies unraveled, but five months after his glorious return, he admitted hed never served in the German army. from it to arrive at the 9.4 million. More than a few 20th century men tried to pass themselves off as the last surviving veterans of the Civil War. In 2007 the effort snagged eight people who were receiving VA compensation for combat injuries, although none had served in combat and two had never served in the military. Who knows? 'I think this is part of the same phenomenon of human nature that we have seen since the times of the Romans and Greeks,' he said. As I say again, the alleged 10+ million Vietnam vet fakers figure, promoted by various Vet organizations and publications, has absolutely no basis in fact, no actual documentation anywhere to support it, certainly not any ACTUAL Census report that has been cited repeatedly as a reference. Regardless of what they thought of you before, theres suddenly more substance to you., The lie often starts modestly, Burkett said. This is Overall, about 3.5 million Americans served in Southeast Asia during the war. Prompted by the support of the Vietnam Veterans of America, Weld recommended Yandle's release, and in October 1995, after 23 years behind bars, Yandle walked free. Retired "They give me a blank look.". On Burkett's walls, chockablock with his MBA diploma and certificates attesting to his knowledge of financial arcana, are plaques from the Vietnam Veterans of America and the Veterans Land Board and a framed letter and photograph of Burkett on the podium with former President George Bush for the dedication of the Texas Vietnam Veterans Memorial nearly 10 years ago. Last winter, John Maughn contacted a veterans' group in Atlanta and begged for help. A couple of weeks before June 6, 1994, I was at my desk when the phone rang. The Nazis, in particular, lionized him. the wording is where everything slides off the rails. It is not. The census count in 1995 apparently statement. And 97 percent of Vietnam veterans received honorable discharges, exactly the same rate for the military in the peaceful 10 years prior to the war. Fake War Stories Exposed - CBS News His words were recorded. (If you are interested in pursuing this, just type Stolen Valor into your search engine and see the numbers of those caught pretending to be what they are not.). But the a note about sources. For years, there had been tales in the Army of "wannabes and fakers," Bateman said, "something that a lot of veterans knew, but it was usually anecdotal. The source of this data is explained thusly: Data were estimated starting with veterans place of residence as of April 1, 1980, based on 1980 Census of Population data, extended to later years on the basis of estimates of veteran interstate migration, separations from the Armed Forces, and mortality; not directly comparable with earlier estimates previously published by the VA.So the number is only partially based on actual Census data from 1980 plus estimates of normal mortality, migration, etc. How many fake Vietnam veterans are there? Back at the office, I started typing up my notes, shaking my head at times. According to research by historian William Marvel, published in a 1991 issue of Blue and Gray, Williams would have been too young to have served in the war. 'Three years ago, I didn't see any. The work led to 48 arrests, the VA recovered $562,888, and authorities levied $1.23 million in fines. I had decided that I would Whenever I mention Vietnam service, I always point them to the 187th AHC web page. whole record for the breakdown of the numbers. Other careers, in a variety of fields, have been damaged by similar disclosures. Politicians and Their Fake War Stories - The New York Times I never saw it, but returning friends told me about it.All this to say, for me, its weird. Network Web site lists U.S. prisoners of war, reviewed all the history project records. I found out quickly IF I listed military service, early on for jobs, I did not get the job!Its only since 9/11, that I did start seeing 'Nam unit hats!When I see one or a bumper sticker & the vast majority seem to be genuine. used seem to have been gleaned from this 1995 census and it seems that everyone The 1990 census shows 7,646,908 claim to be Vietnam era vets. I am astonished at the number of people who claim to be Vietnam Vets who aren't. Yandle said he was at the infamous 1968 siege at Khe Sanh, surrounded and attacked for 77 days. He has a weekly caseload of about two dozen real vets. ", Burkett has found, to put it simply, that most of these men are frauds and that their fraudulent claims have been swallowed whole, and without question, by reputable news organizations, politicians, generals, police departments and federal agencies, all willing -- depending on the case at hand -- to free someone from prison, offer them veterans benefits or simply go easy on them when they land in trouble. First, They werent. Service Members, Not Citizens: Meet The Veterans Who Have Been - NPR What I havent found Their overall agenda makes their warning suspicious and You'd need to make $108k/yr after-tax annually to afford a Datejust in a month's time. Slessler said many of the imposters he sees suffer from 'survivor guilt.' I myself have met over a hundred "Navy Seals". Now, they are being seen as heroes,' said Dr. Betsy Tolstedt of the Veteran Administration's outreach clinic in Chicago. You might find it more reliable than the other sites but I say it is just as biased in its way as those you reject.I have suggested that these figures were based on the US Census which did, in fact, ask about service during the Vietnam era (which you, yourself, pointed out), but also on numbers gathered from the DoD, such as the numbers of those actually in country, and on a survey conducted by Captain Scott Beaton. He had claimed he flew Take John M. Iannone, a Pittburgh- area oilman whom family members said had it all and was even more admired for his extensive community service. But they soon discovered that Maughn was a fake, one who had earlier flim-flammed other vet groups, employers and newspapers. Very few served in Vietnam. Thats eight individuals in the Seattle area, in one bust, said Doug Sterner, a longtime private watchdog who now maintains the Military Times newspapers Hall of Valor database. 'Some claim to be vets just out of a need to be macho.'. I did provide some information from reliable sources about the large number of fakers and all you need to do is type Stolen Valor into your search engines and you'll find name after name.Shipley's web site and other sources supports the idea that there are, literally, thousands claiming to be SEALs who were not. (The ONLY question EVER asked by the Census, NOT if they were actually serving in Vietnam.) Is this evidence of ~200,000 fakers, or is there some other explanation, such as how you define active duty military personnel? His was the classic story, embraced and portrayed by the media in endless permutations until it became the stuff of legend. $174k/yr for a new Daytona in a month. who couldnt care less and to avoid another long and drawn out but rather pointless For a very long time I couldn't summon up the courage to stop it. to 14 million number originated, how it was collected, or if it was part of 'There are a lot of people out there doing this and we'd like to expose every last one of them,' said Ray Ashe, secretary of the VVA chapter. They want to be around real vets,' said Martin. He searched for the vagrants record and discovered the man had been kicked out of basic training after three weeks on a psychological discharge. According to federal law, the United States' military involvement in the Vietnam War began in February 1961 and lasted until May 1975. with the Bronze Star Medal for actions during my tour in Iraq and I have the A Different Perspective: Vietnam Faker Statistics - Blogger It is That came from everybody. Although it was said that no reputable site had posted In the spring of 1998, Burkett managed to convince Wallace and others that Yandle was a fake. count, though I have not found any record of this in the census figures I In 2007 Xavier Alvarez, a member of the Three Valleys Water Board in Claremont, California, was asked during a visit to a neighboring board if he wanted to introduce himself. All societies in history have revered the warrior, he said. Local community celebrities appear no less prone to telling such tales. Blumenthal made a handful of false and misleading statements about having . Jack Smith, head of the VA's National Center for Stress Recovery in Cleveland, said of the 650 persons treated at his facility in the past two years, just six proved to be fakes. doesnt tell us the source of the data, only who had supposedly collected it or The Times Herald reported that Williams was a Vietnam veteran; one of the paper's columnists wondered whether "Vietnam did that to him." On a whim, Burkett filed a Freedom of Information Act. In 1995, Burkett helped an Oregon newspaper uncover Republican U.S. Rep. Wes Cooley's false claims of Army service in the Korean War. In 1999, Donald R. Nicholson, the police chief of Amelia, Missouri, in the 1980s, admitted that he had lied about being a Vietnam veteran and a prisoner of war to obtain better veterans benefits. U.S. They are all repeating the same phony "statistic" of the Stolen Valor book, claiming it is based on Census data. 1999-08-13 04:00:00 PDT Dallas -- Jug Burkett's cozy office high up in a big glass-and- steel tower looks more like the cluttered, haphazard digs of a college professor than the lair of a successful stockbroker. So were 47 claiming to have earned service crosses. State Vietnam Veterans Vietnam Veterans (per 100k) Utah 42,774 1,272 How [] Records showed the actor had spent his 1959-63 stint as a peacetime Marine, playing football for the Corps on Okinawa. They have a lower unemployment rate than the same non-vet age groups. Moskos, now 65, comes from a 1950s generation of young men to whom military service was a given. Cooley had claimed Korean War service with Army Special Forces. It is noted that these dates may differ from those used to define various veterans benefits. Yep, that was my outfit, he said. I did not look at those sites that required registration, a fee or ALL STATISTICSHAVE NOT BEEN VERIFIEDOR FACT claiming Vietnam service who were not there and that there are many claiming Burkett, author of the acclaimed 1998 expos Stolen Valor: How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of its Heroes and its History. Thats a big number approximately 23.6 million. Instead the standard Census question on the long form is whether somebody has ever been active duty military and lists multiple war and peace eras, including the Vietnam era from 1964-1975. In 1997 Wes S. Cooley, a sitting first-term eastern Oregon congressman, was convicted on charges hed lied about his military service in official state voter guides. confusing and contradictory, but I think they were referring first to the 1995 If you are also in a position of power or authority or prestige, then you might also feel less vulnerable, because you think that people wont challenge you, she said. Their personal income exceeds that of our non-veteran age group by more than 18 percent. You have extrapolated meaning into somewhat innocuous sentences. The 2000 census site at shows the claims rose to 8.4 million Vietnam era Vets. As for Burkett, he still gets calls from cops seeking advice on how to run records, or even from skeptical wives and girlfriends who suspect their men may be playing a bit loose with the truth about their exploits in "the 'Nam." I now sometimes wear a hat & look forward to talking to other 'Nam vets.But, for those, playing, I just shake my head.MOS 1141 ElectricianUSMC/DogpatchFeb '69/March '70Semper Fidelis.

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how many fake vietnam veterans are there