heaven and hell testimonies

, Reverend Hagin shares his experience with hell. She recalls finding herself standing, ashamed, in front of God. Jesus Showed Me the 5 Most Powerful Words in Heaven! More than likely it was a paramedic and an EMT, two paramedics, or two EMTS off that ambulance. Bone marrowIn an instant my bones turned black. The end starts way before that cheating when the couple wont be in relationship with one another. All Rights Reserved. Then, all of a sudden, the front of the room opened up. Heaven and hell testimonies. All this belongs to my people, the Lord said. It is a very important topic that everyone should take seriously. There are many different opinions on heaven and hell, depending on religion and personal beliefs. The two places, the meeting room and Hell were together. Im seeing revival in my own life. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. I could feel a cold eerie feeling as though something or someone was looking at me.. (Nehemiahs time). I went to HEAVEN Mommy Little Hugo visits Heaven and hell I also knew about the Bibles stance on unforgiveness. I saw it! Because until they own up to you and apologize they are not right with Him. God will use him. The car she was thrown from was barely scratched. She acquaints these to visions rather than near-death-encounters. I went to a place that I believe was hell. The hospital also discovered pneumonia in his lungs, so they placed Alec in an induced coma following his surgery. Jesus mentioned to Alec to pay attention to the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant and instructed him about its meaning. To really get a sustained heart for lost people, I have found I have to make it personal. Something came flying past the gates of Hell. Common Myths About Childrens Dental Hygiene What You Need To Know. Today, I still have an eerie weightiness whenever I share about Hell. They were stunned. In the same way, God expects us to forgive regardless of our offenders response. While we should always rely on the Bible to tell us. Almost 20 years ago, while kayaking in Chile, a drowning accident left me technically dead for more than 30 minutes. American Measurements vs Metric Measurements What is the Difference? I pray there will be a spiritual reawakening but cannot realistically envision that with our current moral decay. Hence, there has been a lot of misconceptions about it too. The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant makes me think about Purgatory. In his book titled I Believe in Visions, Reverend Hagin shares his experience with hell. If Purgatory, we should pray for the dead. Darkness encompassed me round about darkness that is blacker than any night man has ever seen.. Forgiveness without repentance is unbiblical. I was left wondering about Gods actions, who He takes, why and when. All heartbreakingly true. This is a question that many Is Hell Hot or Cold? They didnt know what to do with me. . You and I would likely be best friends after that! , Bill Wiese describes many horrifying sights, smells, and sounds. I went to a. Heaven is utmost exciting; hell is undoubtedly daunting. Don Piper Saw A Magnificent Gate. Ian McCormack prayed in desperation and was saved from the darkness by a bright light. The scene was just incredible, beyond anyones natural imagination! The land was filled with misery. It wasnt an orderly progression, but Ive tried to lay it out in an orderly fashion here. Christ End Time Ministries 2023. During his near-death experience at the gates of hell, Alec says that Jesus also told him a worldwide revival is coming that will be greater than Azusa Street or the Welsh revival. 1. The Bible teaches that God longs to be gracious to us (see Isa. I agree with you Mike, I had a revelation a few years ago and although I consider myslef to be an excellent author, I have never been able to find adequate words to describe what occurred, so I dont even try. After sharing his experience with anyone who would listen, he recorded the entire saga in his first book, 23 Minutes in Hell. We think that because people mess up, God sends them to Hell. I have looked for every little decision or detail that resulted in the worst day of my entire lifeand possibly the most life-giving day for myself.It is important to note that what I share here all happened instantly. Sodom and Gomorrah Raptured. When he became the Republican nominee, I was horrified. Therefore, those who are convinced that Heaven is real often point to accounts of people who say they've actually been there, in addition to scripture. Matthew 6 is pre- resurrection. I made the distinction between how Jesus says to handle offences within the church and how to handle those without. Mickey Robinson dies in a plane crash while on a sky diving expedition and experiences a descent into hell after his spirit leaves his body. How can we think God is bad? She was shown the beauty of Heaven and also many people who ended their lives in the everlasting torments of Hell because of various sins. I think youre confusing forgiveness with reconciliation. !, After arriving in Heaven .The Lord then asked me five questions. The young woman was a corrections officer who just left her shift. Testimony of Heaven and Hell by Sis. Fergis: Too many people say we should forgive another Christian carte blanc, with no repentance from the offender who is a Christian. As for Trump God is using him to bring America back to him. Ian McCormacks near-death-experience in hell began with an encounter with a deadly jellyfish. I am a Republican, and I have despised Donald Trump since I first knew of him 30 years ago. I am traveling the country giving testimony. The idea of hell has been widely portrayed as much as heaven. This is how my word is preached; this is what takes care of my churches! The Lord said: You go and tell them.without holiness, no man can enter into my Kingdom The Lord said to me exactly what was in the bible: Be ye holy as I am holy!!! I would forgive you and I would ask you to recover the damage you did to me, by going to those people and telling them the truth. Hell is about a refusal to love God and have a relationship with Him. Rom8:2. We think someone goes to Hell because they sinned, but really it is about disobeying and disrespecting God. That never happens in Hell. IF we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgement and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. I watched those ominous gates open as I watched the people worshiping. Nineveh had national revival when it was at its most corrupt. How to Incorporate Jesus Into More of Your Holiday Traditions. It is the bride being made perfect, without spot or blemish. When you return to Earth, tell all those people who dont want to give their offerings and tithes, not to steal from the Lord, otherwise, theyll wind up in Hell, and no thief will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He proceeded to read the entire Bible in the 6 weeks following this experience. Anita Moorjani, a public speaker, was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2002 and was quickly losing her battle to cancer. While in this foul prison-like cell, Bill realized two large creatures shared the cell with him. same decision! God protect America &Trump. That hell is ordained for Satan and those who rejected Jehovah God. also will be made aware at that very Just to say also that God has revealed in prophetic words that their will be great grace given to humanity in these times its called the Illumination of Christians, if you think Grace alone will save you, youre brainwashed by a false western theology. These houses will be ready and completed AFTER My children give more tithes and offerings in My House. Read more about Pastor Brani Duyons testimony here. and your young men shall see visions, I didnt think he could win the Presidency in a million years. All I could do is just lay there and hear my master speak. | Source: How Soon After A Tooth Extraction Can I Smoke? The parable of the servant who took his fellow-servant by the throat is interesting, and I note that every time its mentioned, the person mentioning it, fails to mention that the other servant had fallen at the feet of the servant asked for mercy and time to repay what he owed. She was still hanging on to the car., When she saw they were going to hit another vehicle, she let go and fell headlong to the pavement. I am a practicing emergency physician and have witnessed many deaths and several near death experiences. These thoughts allow us to identify with a real emotion for the people we love. You can feel better in such a case, knowing that the LORD knows the truth and He will repay if the person does not repent. You are giving them a chance to get right with God! Jesus Christ took Ian and brought him to heaven. On a November morning in 1998, Bill Wiese, Author of 23 Minutes In Hell had an experience that would forever alter the course of his life. It can be quite fascinating to research this phenomenon. Are you sure that Jesus is about to come back within a few years? In his book, he recounts his experience as follows, I began to descend down, down, into a pit, like youd go down into a well, cavern or cave. AMEN!! Matthew Botsford. So he wasnt even going to try. I dont often get words from God but He definitely spoke this to me concerning Trump & Hilary. I let my emotions worship Him, which allows my heart to open to Him.The worship leader was helping us pray for our lost family members, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. So let me get this straight. Christians who do not forgive will not go to hell for that fault, because they are Christians they will go to purgatory until they pay back what they refused to give in this life. She survived her attempted suicide in what the doctors could only describe as a miracle and has spent the remainder of her life teaching people about the reality of hell. I am going to heal you and make you new. Who will bring any charge against Gods elect? They may have debts that can only be paid by our prayers or their suffering. As we sang an evangelistic song, I felt the presence of holiness come into the room. The fire was so real it was like a million jumbo jets crashed into one place. I continued with my questions, What shall I do on Earth to provide more materials for my home? The angels replied, There are seven things one must do to build up their materials to build their home. An account of her Second Visit To Hell. God bless you. When it came time to vote, I considered skipping the vote for President, because I just could not stomach him, and would never vote for Clinton. It was attached to me like a suction cup in the area of my chest and began dragging me further into Hell. Even though I wished it were not so, I knew that it was. To date, Xlibris has helped to publish more than 60,000 titles. The Hell realm unlocked and I heard massive gates creak open and I felt extreme heat enter the room. Fortunately, Jennifers life was spared and she went on to share her story in hopes of warning individuals who were lost or had grown lukewarm in their faith. Great Christian Heaven And Hell Testimonies - Loretta Blasingame With Sid Roth; Heaven. Then, look into a good translation. To increase their gifts of faith, hope, love, etc. When the servant refused to forgive the debt and stood before the king again, he was called wicked. Perhaps God is moving mightily. Wasnt it supposed to be in the center of the earth or below us? In a truly miraculous healing, Ian left the hospital the day following his tragic accident. Jesus impressed on his heart: These people call themselves Christians but they couldnt forgive their brothers and sisters. People in this place suffered a thousand times worse than others, because they knew the Word of the Lord and disobeyed. how do we know we have forgiven? For the sake of brevity, Ill cut it short. My brain is now 100%. No shutting off, no taking a break, no passing out, and no quitting. Redeemed and going to Heaven. A couple doctors raced over and started working on me. There is no time for speculations and opinions only time for seeking the Lord with the whole heart and the whole mind and there is only time for those who claims to be christians to speak and act in agreement with the Spirit of Life, no matter circumstances and independent of outward pressure. Although I knew, it was just easier to hold on to unforgiveness. 1. It was void of anything good. Two doctors dont just come running up in the middle of traffic. This happened whilst I was sleeping in a dream. The king spirit who rules the human mind is death and it can not be satisfied without a dead body, in reality or in fantasy! I thought it was absurd. In his book titled. Be open for that occasion. I then saw many pastors, elders, and deacons in Hell. God is graciously allowing people that have died, to return to life, and warn us about hell. He only allows you to remember what he wants you to remember. A related myth is the notion that there are people in hell who wanted to go to heaven while they were still alive, but God wouldn't . You know youve forgiven if you can imagine them coming to you and sincerely saying they are sorry, and asking you to forgive them, and in your mind you believe you would. God Gives Woman Urgent Warning For the End Times Church! While there, Ian states he experienced visions of heaven and hell, and felt Jesus empowering him to live so he might tell his story to others. He says that God will bring his healing when he isnt a Christian, but his story indicates that God wouldnt bring the healing of those who are unable to forgive? Why are they here? There were so many pastors, elders, deacons and all other lay believers. 18:21-35). What Does It Mean to Have Citizenship In Heaven? I pray this in Jesus' Name. If the Biblical way were carried out, thered be less division in the church. At-Risk Children In India: Here Are The Facts, How Food Trucks Get Electricity: Ultimate Guide, Does Anxiety Counseling Work? Divine Tradition, 3. My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you will not sin. That means I died five times. That morning we were in our weekly two-hour evangelism meeting. I have never been in such awe of the creation of a human body. Looking for clarity, to understand the deeper message of what you are saying. This interpretation and reconciliation of these Scriptures/teachings of Christ are confirmed by Matthew 5:23-24, in which Christ instructs us not to make offerings to the Lord God if we know that a fellow believer has a legitimate issue with us: we must seek to be reconciled with our fellow believer (brother) before we make our offerings (monetary, thanksgivings, praises, worship, and so forth) to Him. Hell was created because of a relational issue. They did not tithe properly (other sins were also named, see full testimony for details) .On their death beds, they thought they had done a good job so they did not repent of those things. He slumped forward on the steering wheel, traffic stopped around him, and a woman came rushing over to his car. By focusing on the needs of creative writers and artists and adopting the latest print-on-demand publishing technology and strategies, we provide expert publishing services with direct and personal access to quality publication in hardcover, trade paperback, custom leather-bound and full-color formats. The Passion of The Christ Jim Caviezel (complete interview). After what felt like falling down a long tunnel, Bill found himself in a dark, dirty prison. From Hell to Heaven: One Man's Journey . Yet you are robbing Me. Then I heard the Spirit of the Lord say: Here, he talks about what happens there, the suffering people continually have, and the people he saw in that terrible place the Bible talks about.Watch and fibnd out the details. */. He recalls the feeling of numbness spreading throughout his body. Adeola Odutola: Please read my reply to Fergis. It is oly relevant in cases where someone has sinned against you and you confront them and they fall at your feet and ask mercy of you. Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 70 pages | ISBN 9781664112711, Softcover | 6 x 9in | 70 pages | ISBN 9781664112704. The Bible says Hell is getting bigger to hold all the people who are coming (see Isa. In one of the earliest recorded experiences of hell, Sister Faustina, a Polish nun shares similar sentiments to the other individuals we have discussed. During her short life, Sister Josefa Menedez recorded several experiences in hell. That was my problem with what he related. Then the wheat will be gathered into his barn. When he got out of prison, his wife asked him for a divorce. Miraculously, Tamara felt a bright hand carry her up to heaven after which she found herself back in her home. Many of them are unimportant, but I have memorized them nonetheless. I cant add to what he told me.. I could look up and see the lights of the Earth. Teaching magisterium of the church. At the surgery there was a vascular heart surgeon, Dr. Raja. Amen to that JohnGod bless you for those inspiring words. TAKE HEED people!! This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: The Bible does not say so. 4.) The first thing I knew when I got there: I was in Hell. By Benjamin Lahood . order were behind Hillary waiting to I started running up and down the gold street and picking up gold dust and sprinkling it on my body. How Long Does the Average Hospice Patient Live? God help us all. Each of them had metal plate on their chest that read: I am here for not giving tithes and offerings When I read that, I asked the Lord, Lord how this can be possible, that people are here for this reason? Born and raised in a Christian family, Reverend Kenneth Hagin experienced hell at the age of 15 in a near-death-experience resulting from a chronic heart condition. 1. Now I am happy to call him my President. Pray for Lost Souls and one day they will rejoice with you in Heaven. 2:12). Unlike the other people we have mentioned, Matthew Botsford was far from Christianity when he had his near-death-experience in hell. Any words he used, would fall utterly short in describing the real glory he saw in the 3rd Heaven. You may watch the full testimony on YouTube with this link. It shares steps on how to avoid hell and guides readers how to frame their life with faith in order to enter heaven. Passover, First born of the Jews left behind, the first born of the Egyptians raptured. When the end comes, the weeds will be gathered first and burnt with unquenchable fire. If you told nasty lies about me and I confronted you about it, and you admitted it and told me you were sorry, I would feel mitigated. Many thousands will be saved And on some have compassion, making a distinction; but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh (Jude 1:21-23). the best book I ever read on the subject of choosing not to take offense and forgiveness. Stuff like my blood moving, my eyes seeing, and how all parts of my body work. When He spoke, His voice went through my bones like a massive vibration!!! She opened the door and tried to get me out but I was in a seatbelt, Alec recalls. I said, Yes.. The song gripped me and just seemed to add to the excitement I already felt. He describes his brief encounter with hell as more than physical darkness, there was something else there. We dont like the down emotion either, but by allowing it we become more tenderized to the eternal truth for lost souls. This compelled her to share her personal experience to hell and back in her book, Hell Fire Is Real: My Experience (published by Xlibris UK). At this very moment there are many people on Earth that are robbing the Lord like I did. Reply to L.S. He shook his head and said, I was there when you came back to life. After the resurrection, we are taught salvation is a free gift that doesnt depend on good works. But it is disobedience if a Christian sins against you and you do not do what Jesus said to. They end up writting books which are false and demonic to deceive Humanity. 1525. Lived in Hell. I mean, with time, unforgiveness had become part of me. For more information, visit xlibrispublishing.co.uk or call 0-800-014-8620 to receive a free publishing guide. I could feel a cold eerie feeling as though something or someone was looking at me.. I was transported to hell, twice in two years, the author narrates. This is the second death, the lake of fire. February 3, 2021. I understood that Hell is a relational issue, not a problem to solve like a math question. In his book. Who is there to condemn us? Most of us really dont care. Tell My children, they must be obedient to give tithes and offerings, said the Lord Jesus. He recalls dark figures in a dark room, demons, and above all, endless torment. It wont be strange walking in Heaven being unforgiven by God. As the darkness is about to close and seal his fate, he remembers God and calls out to him for help and he is given another chance to live. It won't be strange walking in Heaven being unforgiven by God. You OUGHT to have said Lawrence, the metaphor that the RCC uses is that of a 3-legged stool. What Is Generation Z Looking for From Church? There are also people who have specific reincarnation beliefs. I have questions about this alleged vision too. Heaven - Life After Death In most all religions, there is a place called heaven. She walked away without a scratch. While on a visitation to Hell with the Lord Jesus Laura testifies - 'I saw a lot of people being tortured, and Jesus said to me "These people are not faithful with their tithe."'. Then an astonishing sight met Alec. Amen brother! Beyond anything any words could describe.. They put a stent in there.. To purchase a copy of the book, https://www.xlibris.com/en-gb/bookstore/bookdetails/818477-hell-fire-is-real. Great Christian Heaven And Hell Testimonies - Loretta Blasingame With Sid Roth; Heaven. The angel answered, Pastor Park Yong Gyu, a person can appear to be a true follower of Christ on the outside but God knows the heart. This compelled her to share her personal experience to hell and back in her book, " Hell Fire Is Real: My Experience " (published by Xlibris UK). I am one miracle after another., After Alec came out of the coma, the head ICU nurse told his wife Beth, Your husbands vital signs are 100%., The next morning Dr. Matthew Worthley, a cardiologist and professor at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, came into his room, looked at his file and said, You were dead but youre alive. The gates slammed shut with a terrible sound of finality. But, in my church there are many thieves who steal my tithes and offerings! I was immediately taken to a place I could not recognize until I heard another voice calling me. The description he gave is exactly as Jesus described it, he looked up and saw a tiny prick of light in the distance and a voice from above, boomed, One more chance! He found himself shooting up toward the light, until he came to on the bed in the doctors surgery. Still other passages may seem to suggest that Jesus believe in hell. It was like an arm without fingers that grabbed me and sucked me into Hell. I would never have thought unforgiveness could take a person to Hell. I believe it. Paralyzed and dying, Ian was rushed to a hospital. It is unlikely the earth would be overwhelmed with belief before the end. True Stories of People Who Have Been to Heaven Anear-death experience(NDE) is a profound personal experience associated with death or impending death which researchers Chewing Gum After Having Your Wisdom Tooth Pulled Can you chew gum after having your wisdom tooth pulled? I was literally experiencing inside my body the truth I had read in the Bible. Why did this happen to me?. He smoked a "death bowl" an overpowering mix of marijuana laced with cocaine, heroin and PCP and true to its name, he suffered a hellish near-death experience. Father Jose Maniyangat had a near-death-experience in hell after being hit by a drunk driver. Amen.Created with narrator voice, picvoice and designed with canva. At the young age of 15, Tamara Laroux attempted to take her own life. near in the valley of decision. Countless people have been to hell either through a dream, a vision, or a near-death-experience. But then God breathed new life into his body. Wholly & Soley led by the Holy Spirit. The only way to reconcile this teaching with His instructions in Matthew 18:15-17 and Luke 17:3-4, is to conclude that the instructions in Matthew 18:15-17 and Luke 17:3-4 pertain to our duty to try to bring our fellow professing Christian believers to repentance for the purpose of reconciling them with both ourselves and the Lord God, so that their relationship and fellowship with us and the Lord God will not be hindered or destroyed. I believe many NDEs are real but this one is very doubtful because of this statement, It is not just people getting saved, Alec adds. After this interaction, Jennifer recalls the feeling of falling. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died Without Mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. I will show you the power of the Holy Spirit. The Damned were Raptured in the flood. An eye witness said a man helped her out of the vehicle. When we think about someone we love not being in Heaven, it creates a real sadness and if we think about it long enough, it creates a desperation. had an experience that would forever alter the course of his life. Muslim Sees Jesus In His Dream | Jahir Israels Testimony, Proving there is a rapture of the church before tribulation Susan Davis. Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners Romans 5:8. Every word of God that I had ever read was now completely clear. I was not a visitor. Whats the worse that could happen? He Himself is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for ours alone, but also for the sins of the whole world. According to him, he died on the spot, and he went into a place where there was "utter blackness" and "incredible fear". On the subject of venial and mortal sin, here is something you really should consider: http://knuckleheadtheology.blogspot.com/2017/10/a-few-words-to-my-roman-catholic-friends.html. I say I forgive and I pray for the person but I am still mad inside. Moreover a much cited view of the future from Ken Peters, saw a revival occurring post Rapture during the Tribulation. Anita Moorjani. I have to truly think about what it would be like for my lost family members to not make it to Heaven. But to his right another voice said: I am the Lord God. You know youve forgiven when all bitterness about the event of the past is gone, and you do not want any sort of revenge or recompense. Forgiveness on whose part and repentance on whose part? She felt herself leave her body as she fell at an unstoppable speed andremembers entering a space of darkness with absolutely no light. that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, he has only a short time and my burden was lifted from me in a moment. At the red sea, the Jews left behind, the army chasing them, Raptured. forgiveness, like love is a decision. Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Ian wished to return to earth to share his story with those who did not know God. Ian felt waves of love wash over him, and knew for the first time in His life that God is indeed love - true love. I am coming soon for those who are waiting and ready for Me. The Lord added Those who dont Tithe are disobedient children They had died some time ago. Also, many others are having dreams and visions of hell ( Acts 2:17-21 ). So when I saw them, I knew where I . In Luke Jesus asks will he find faith on the earth when he returns, implying no. How much MORE Severely do you think a person (believer) deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the Covenant that SANCTIFIED him, and who has insulted the Spirit of Grace? A group of 7 Colombian students say the Lord came to them and took them to see both Heaven and Hell. The feeling in the room was the same as other times that I had been invited to come away with the Lord to visit Heaven. I dont know. After Matthew was shot in the head, doctors decided to put him in a medically induced coma to save his life. Hope Stewart devotes most of her time working in the healthcare sector. Ian wasn't allowed to stay in heaven and God sent him back, to share his encounter with others and tell them . Please read Bait of SATAN by John Bevere. I have heard several places various spiritual people made statements long before Trumps running for President that God was going to use Donald Trump to bring America back to Him. I wouldn't just blow off this testimony, it could save a life or two. I hope this will help you. I tried to pull back and break the hold it had on me but it was too powerful.Before I could blink, I knew thisit was too late. I have never seen such a sad sight, ever! Always keep your heart soft and loving. And I continued to descend. I frantically looked to see who might help me. It was coming for me. take over when she finished off Obama works of weakening America, If one has an open mind, and are truly open to the Holy Spirit, theyll find the teaching on purgatory in 1st Corinthians 3: 10-15. militarily, economically & also thru militant I would hate for people to experience this for real.. She felt an unquenchable thirst as she smelled the intense smell of sulfur. Thus not going to hell. Incredible fear. Instinctively, I started screaming. That is the Rapture The weeds being gathered up first to be burned! They had served God faithfully while on the Earth. XlibrisUK. When he said it would be unlawful, I think it was an expression. I was at the gates of hell, but not in hell. Everything appeared two-dimensional to him, like he was watching a TV. It is the bride being made perfect, without spot or blemish. The bride is already without spot or blemish because Jesus paid the price for our sins and has forgiven all our sins.

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heaven and hell testimonies