cultural differences between kenya and america

May 5, 2021. That was not the case in Tanzania. You must be one of those simpletons who have been swallowed whole by the idiocy that American values and traditions are supreme to everyone's else-what balderdash! Due to our affinity of being early adopters, we are well known to adopt other peoples dressing styles. 28 Apr 2023 19:10:25 It is like walking in on someone naked. They are generally served at the completion of the meal. We are too busy to do our hair. The key differences between the American and Kenyan cultures are. The African languages come from three different language families - Bantu languages (spoken in the center and southeast), Nilotic languages (in the west), and Cushitic languages (in the northeast). They are composed of two children (Anthropology, 2021). If invited to dinner at a Kenyans home, bring pastries, flowers, or sweets for the hostess. On mention some of the t-shirts and jeans apiece cost as much as 5 mitumba suits plus dress shirts! Do not let the spirit of hate (tribalism) possess you. But the frequency and degree were far more severe. The only issue is economics. Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. 2022 All Rights Reserved. It must be noted that most of the food in Africa is natural and fresh, as opposed to the artificially-flavored, refrigerated food mostly consumed here. Or a host of other greetings, some slang, depending on what part of Nairobi or Kenya you are in and who you are hanging out with. In reply to Beyond your first assertion by Mwakilishi. You are better than that & you can rise higher than that. Regions and countries are sometimes as different from one another as America is from them. Before you enter any public building, hotel, bar, restaurant, or shopping complex in Lagos and Nairobi, you will have to go through a security check akin to what you might experience at an airport in the US. Who sets the standards? Wait for the Kenyan to determine that your friendship has reached this level of intimacy. On the same token, Kenyan English, as with American or any other version spoken around the world, has culture-specific expressions and dictum. Guests are expected to wash their hands before and after the meal. Kenya is located in eastern Africa, bordering Somalia and Ethiopia in the north, Uganda and South Sudan to the Mandazi - Kenyan version of a heavy donut, typically eaten with a cup of hot chai. Both tend to yield similar results; several baby mamas/daddys, split attentionsnone better or worse than the other. We left an hour later. We could not give it to charity as there might be a law suit if someone got sick from it. In Kenya, that number is 40.0% as of 2013. be 2.4 times more likely to live below the poverty line. Ones ancestors are thought to be able to influence events in life since they are in a limbo state and closer to God than the living. Every hotel had a strict 10 a.m. checkout. I once saw a notice in a restaurant, "After eating leave within five minutes." During that time, I experienced countless culture clashes, culture shocks, miscommunications, and misunderstandings. By the end of the project, a few babies had been born in the locality that had similar eyes and complexion with the Chinese laborers. I spent the past three months of the trip in Africa, visiting Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria, Kenya, and Tanzania. Now, with that first observation, would you blame the writer of the diary for his simple observation of phenomena? This is a humorous light piece of writing and not in the least, intellectual. Hours of productivity and economic output are lost every day to Nigeria's power grid, marking a stark departure from the consistent presence of electricity (WiFi) in my New York life. Business cards are exchanged without formal ritual. And how would you categorize traditional Pokot dressing in Nasokol, West Pokot District or the Turkana far up by the border with South Sudan? Disclaimer: Services provided by StudyCorgi are to be used for research purposes only. You will always be a slave of Saturn if you harbor such hate. While each country had a distinct culture and customs, I experienced many culture clashes while visiting Africa. There is an abundance of international restaurants including Italian, What should happen is that parents from the mans side should seek permission from parents of the womans side to have their daughter hand in marriage. Politicians know this and therefore turn such functions into impromptu political rallies. So we have Chinese, Kaunda suits, West African, European, and American dressing styles. 3 times more than United States. WebIn China and Japan, for example, people are very punctual, that is, they dont waste on unnecessary issues. You don't have to take off your shoes, but you do have to go through a metal detector, put any bags you have through an X-ray machine, and possibly receive a pat-down. In Kenya, about 17.8% do as of 2018. be 28.7% less likely to have access to improved drinking water. Back home, I was medium size but when I came here, I am considered a size small to extra small-something that upset me terribly! Infuse that with influence of local languages and you have a version of Kenyan English that takes good listening to understand. In Kenya, however, that number is 36.1% as of 2016. Because of the larger population, which causes a higher demand for food, agriculturalists have been pushed into finding faster ways of food production. American cuisine and She intended to spend half the day exploring by herself. The most common greeting is the handshake. Slowly but surely, the multiculturalism that made America strong will be the very reason that will make America weak. Cultural Differences Between USA and Kenya, Culture is defined as the way in which people go about their daily lives. Commonly eaten with ugali and meat if available. United States spends 16.8% of its total GDP on healthcare as of 2019. It is a sign of wealth. @iphone4g. The New York Times columnist Jada Yuan wrote about having a similar experience while visiting Tangier, Morocco, last year. While it varies greatly from country to country, it is fair to say that in most African and Middle Eastern countries, you should avoid leading with your left hand. Blue jeans, faded jeans, torn jeans, sagging jeans, mom jeans. When you consider the bills and taxes, slacking is not condoned. You can get proper methods to improve your social skills and make yourself more appealing out there in front of the partner of your choice. This is, not the case in the United States. We sip and bite as slow as possible until we finish reading the Nation newspaper tied to the table with a steel chain by the restaurant owner for reasons better known to you and me. In rural areas, gifts of sugar or tea are quite common. Culture and attitude almost deceptively underpin most of our actions, thoughts and aspirations. Finally, what does Mzee Moja mean? This results in wide-ranging cultural differences even for closely neighbouring countries. They expect business colleagues and superiors to inquire about their family before beginning a business discussion. WebKenya and the United States have similarities and differences in the way they run their governments, education system, and culture. I heard one man ask when he entered a deserted banking hall at 1PM. And they wear them with pride. A US News & World Report survey found it was perceived as the fourth-most corrupt country in the world, and it scored a 27 out of 100 on a corruption index (100 is very clean) by Transparency International. Kachumbari - Kenyan version of salsa. No worries, a baseball cap and a pony tail will do. Like most Africans, Kenyans place a large emphasis on the respect and reverence of their deceased ancestors. A land of vast distances and rich natural resources, Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867 while retaining ties to the British crown. With a couple of hours left in the workday, some employees started heading home. In Kenya, that number is 71% of people on average (91% in urban areas, and 63% in rural areas) as of 2020. Any restaurant in those countries will provide you silverware but as someone who routinely gets down and dirty with barbecue, I didn't mind. Even if you have paid your house off, the property taxes will be paid until you sell off the property, an income that will still be taxed. mom and dad both work, sometimes two jobs. The total surface area of the country stands at 1104km sq or 4265 sq meters. Yet, despite having these many languages, a foreigner can get around Kenya with relative ease by speaking English, or Kiswahili. 1[caption1 id=attachment_12710 align=alignleft width=300 caption= The Test]. Typically, with both dishes, a large platter is placed in the center of the table, and each person takes turns either rolling balls of couscous or using pieces of Moroccan bread to scoop up pieces of meat or sop up sauce. In Kenya, there are only four telephone service providers. Remember Wahome Mutahi's writing? Aberdeen: Hong Kong University Press. Three Cultural Differences Between Kenya and The USA 1. I loved the article. Ninety minutes? Both are based on the same mindset that has caused too much ethnic strife in Kenya and many parts of Africa - ethnocentrism and it's obvious offshoot known as stereotyping. In the Kenyan culture, families, are extended with more than two children (Anthropology, 2021). The largest ethnic group in Kenya is the Kikuyu people (22%). 3. After staying with blacks for quite a while, I have observed on them, exactly what no. As a culture, we do pay quite a bit of attention on niceties. While I was driving in Lagos with a colleague, my car was stopped by a police officer who proceeded to shake down my driver for a "fine" when he decided one of his identification papers was out of date. Of course, Africa is not a monolith. In whichever country one is, the parents should be taken care of by the children. In Kenya, that number is 536 km. Ugali Kenyan staple; made with corn meal and boiling water into a heavy paste with the consistency of play-doh, only eaten with another dish such as sukuma wiki, nyama choma, or another vegetable or meat. It is a sign of respect to lower your eyes when greeting someone of a higher status or someone who is obviously older than you. In fact, Kenyans are amused at the concept of an ending time, since they believe the meeting only ends when all parties are finished. In Nairobi there are many kiosks (roadside stands) where local people sell fruits, vegetables, and legumes on the street that are grown within the region. To rush a greeting is extremely rude. It is considered polite to finish everything on your plate, although it is not mandatory. Socialization tools are responsible for the passing of culture from one generation to another; culture is not static, undergoes various adjustments and changes. ?About saying pple in kenya/Africa waste time greeting @ other,talking to @ other I totally disagree juu in USA /Europe they don't care about @ other,I have seen them even taking their parents or sisters to court juu ya 200$.Can u find this nonsense in Africa? Mzee Moja leo kweli umenichekesha! 2 and more on them. In Egypt and Morocco, it punctuated the answer to just about any question I asked a local. In the social aspects of life, a difference can be noted among Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese, and Americans. Gifts need not be expensive. This comes down to wanting to protect peoples face and the relationship. So, the blacks will talk forever when having lunch and they virtually forget it is time to go back to work, etc. Two of the biggest were getting accustomed to not using my left hand to eat in Nigeria and underestimating the extent to which traffic affects the pace of life in Lagos and Cairo. Are you not comfortable with coming out of your shell? It's a free, question-and-answer based forum to discuss Kenyans may gesture for emphasis when speaking. There are also the Nilotic tribes such as the Luo, Kalenjin, Maasai and Turkana. They may take time kujuliana hali, kwenda msalani, kujaza matumbo yao, kufua nguo, so what? And I am talking about men and women leaving their homes to come and see for themselves and for posterity. 7 times more than Kenya. But for most part, it's a quick meet, greet and then quickly jump into business. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group. Jeans, jeans, jeans. It is all a part of the experience. The author needs to do more research if he tryly wants to display the American culture as it is. No wonder simple ceremonies take forever in the village. The reason being that the Americans are serial polygamists- meaning they may have multiple lovers in their lifetimes. Saudi Arabian has a culture of innovativeness and invention; it is greatly regarded as red as a virtue for one to devise his way of operating and doing things. Direct and frank communication is not the norm in Kenya. Tofu is available at health food stores and sometimes at larger grocery stores. 5. Most in kenya not only "waste time in greetings", but we waste valuable time in daily life, man-hours, money, resources and so we cannot afford to "waste" food, because in the first place there is no food to waste. 1 Jan. 2020, Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. (2020, January 1) Afghanistan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. Many restaurants throw uneaten food out. If women disrespect their husbands, it is seen as an omen to the family and a cleansing ceremony needs to be conducted by elders. Initially we thought it was because its Sunday and everyone was attended church or temple.

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cultural differences between kenya and america