blasphemous thoughts about the holy spirit

One thing your story does illustrate is the impact of spiritual trauma on our thought life. John Bunyan, author of the famous Pilgrims Progress, struggled with blasphemous thoughts urging him to deny Christ. I went on and off the meds on my own, and ended up back in there again. I spoke to MANY people about my problem. For example, if I do something wrong, someone else will die, or be damned, or lose their job, etc. I have struggled with blasphemous thoughts against the Spirit of Grace for most of my childhood. What further need do we have of witnesses? What we have to do is realize that they are not from the real me, (even though it can sometimes feel like it) and we must simply move on through life, allowing those weird thoughts to move parallel to us through our day. But you are right, and I appreciate you bringing out the point that when we have Jesus in our lives, by proxythrough Himwe do have all Truth. A scrupulous person will appear to assent to bad thoughts but keep coming back over and over again to ask for forgiveness. Because I feel guilty, it must mean that I did something wrong (and thus need to spend extensive time in mental scanning and digging to figure out what I did wrong). Those actions might be considered sinful if the thoughts lead to actions or behaviors. She knows it is helping her get better and have more emotional stability, but at what cost to her eternal future in Chemosh-land? 9:25 pm I have the same problem. I have battled with doubt and uncertainty and really despair but God is stronger . Hi, Destiny, I think its quite common for intrusive thoughts to involve questions of reality. We may wonder if the important elements of our faith are fake, if reality is fake, and basically everything that possible to question, we question. I'm scared to rest in the love of God as if He may fail me. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The first characteristic of intrusive thoughts is repetitiveness (the R in RUMP). I am 14 yrs old and I have been battling with blaspheming thoughts for over3 years now. This is because their stingers are barbed, and once they stick into your flesh, they dont come out again. Where's my faith? It feels like I want to think them. If you go to Jesus , He will NEVER reject you! 6:12-15) is an obvious indication that the Holy Spirit can communicate with us mentally and that we should not think about sinful thoughts about the Lord. The core of this approach involves Biblical imaging that is, choosing a specific scene in Scripture and mentally placing yourself there. For me: The more I commit my self to our Lord Jesus Christ the more the enemy tries to dissuade me. Dont forget: the period of apathy happens to everyone who struggles with intrusive thoughts. He wants us to seek Him above anything or any human. I know exactly what you mean. (I may be wrong but to me it's logical). Many people have the idea that blasphemy is the act of using a curse word against God or resisting the Holy Spirit to some kind of vague point of no return.. My pastors talked about hell, church rules, and sin. This is not your fault and it isnt something to be ashamed of. These thoughts did not begin until I stopped living for the world and Started living for God. [Mt. You may have heard of something called emotional reasoning. This is one of the common lies of OCD (and indeed, many people without OCD also get stuck in emotional reasoning, too). But let me share a secret with you: religious OCD is a car that runs primarily on emotions. Like now I feel like Im upset with the Holy Spirit and I dont know why. The reason why I am focusing on the unbeliever is because I dont believe a Christian or true believer can commit this sin, but more on that later. Sorry I know this sounds silly probably. Because I think the meaning of the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, as Alford says, is a willful, determined opposition to the present power of the Holy Spirit. When Bartimaus came, it was for physical healing. In this case, the best thing you can do is speak truth into your life. Thats progress. Can someone like me come back and be accepted? Nothing changed. They are unwanted and seem to come from beyond the conscious ego. Everything feels out of order, uncertain, terrifying. They dont settle in like that with a settled, determined, willful opposition. Authentic. The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. The horrible blasphemous thoughts are ongoing constantly. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. You must choose to blaspheme, slander, and reject the work of the Holy Spirit. But by all means, they had to stop their ears to the voice of the Holy Spirit! Many of them experienced social difficulties and even persecution when they began doubting their beliefs. I just want God. he just wanted them to get along and work together. Its all lies, more forward I still kept going to my feelings. Hello, thank you for this article. Youd shut down and go apathetic even if you were dealing with intense, repetitive, inescapable intrusive thoughts about pink bunnies. A prime example of blasphemys treason is seen in the prophetic forewarnings of Revelations terrifying beast power also called the Son of Perdition in 2 Thessalonians. I used to be a Eucharistic Minister and a CCD teacher. What if I'm lost forever? You are sealed. - Hath never forgiveness.Not that any sinner need despair of forgiveness through the fear that he may have committed this sin; for his repentance shows that his state of mind has never been one of entire enmity, and that he has not so grieved the Holy Spirit as to have been entirely forsaken by him. In other words, they fear their intrusive thought was actually ego-syntonic. I felt like one thought caused me to lose years of serving God. I then slowly trained my mind to stop its cursing of God and quickly say "I curse NOTHING! God does all this for us in Christ. Moses committed murder once. I just want to really believe it in my heart .my pastors tell me what God says to them about me all the time. Wow, this has really helped me alot, i have been have this unwanted thoughts to God and the people i interact with, and as a result i have always felt ashamed and atimes shy to speak, gence a reduced self-esteem. And recently i had series of dreams of death Thus making me so afraid. They hang out and overstay their welcome until we are whipped into a frenzy of anxiety. Did you ever make a silly mistake and have a family member affectionately (or not so affectionately) say, youre a genius?. Yeah I've dealt with this but my mind would just say Jesus name in vain and I would fight it by saying Jesus is King, but they are half hearted attempts and more a reflex to reduce the guilt I feel by it. I am starting to believe more on the forgiveness of my sins, so thank you. I was seeing things. I do not hate the Holy Spirit but I still find myself thinking these horrible thoughts. Also, read John 6:37, which says, All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out. If you have come to Christ, he will "never" cast you out. But youre making progress if youre able to listen to that thought urging you to deny God and say, well, Im pretty sure that Im on a good track to be a faithful believer till the day I die, but theres no way of knowing 100% that I wont deny God at some point in the future. I wish all of the nonsense would just go away. It may take a while for the unwanted thoughts to vanish but God will honor your true verbal worship. This helps break the certainty addiction that most people with scrupulosity have. There is something inside that I cling to "I know whom I've trusted and believed in". We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Wow, that last part described my mental suffering to a T. Here Im thinking I had committed the unpardonable sin over and over and even now God is still with me cause I feel the conviction and the Holy Spirit at times. Hold on to these truths and they will help you. Please pray for me! For the word of Godisliving and powerful, andsharper than anytwo-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and isa discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. I used to get drunk, have premarital sex, smoke pot, chew tobacco, and God helped me through it all when I kept praying for help from Him to do it. But also recognize the underlying OCD pattern, so if it morphs away from worrying about your loved ones salvation to worrying about whether your yellow shirt will cause a car accident, youll know exactly whats happening: OCDs magical thinking. What if the reason I want to love God is because I don't wanna go to hell? And this is something I'm having a problem with for around 1, 2 years or something. I grew up in a home that was very unstable with lots of angry outbursts. These thoughts started about doubting my salvation. They have a powerful hold over me and have cause a lot of damage. I sought out other churches, one after another, but found no comfort. I still can't find it. Most spiritually inclined people are deeply enmeshed in a religious community. This book will teach you how to put the pieces together so you can live a victorious Christian life and finally become the man or woman of God that you truly desire to be. is this committing the unforgivable sin? May our Lord Jesus help us in this fight. Even in singing. Not sexual not murder not.. i even tried to preach some things about Jesus in the past but im not good at doing that so i quitted that. I am no longer a Eucharist Minister, mainly my decisionbut I was basically told by the clergy that i could not teach the kids because i married a man that had been divorced. I found it hard to be at peace with God or with anyone else when these thoughts would enter my mind. We must seek God (this is a CHOICE, not a feeling) and if/when He wants, He will reward us with good feelings. They are false alarms. Soooooo, this article helped a lot. I am scared I just cannot believe it. Ever since then I have struggled against these horrible blasphemous thoughts. God bless you! Should I ask forgiveness, or is it too late? Since the bees die when stinging you, they save their stings for life-or-death situations like protecting the hive. I feel like God has not forgiven me of my sins(they are numerous) and I feel like he'll never forgive me. Dr. R.C. She will mourn and feel sorry for what she thinks was a sinful thought. What a beautiful response. Youve noted that these thoughts began after a very traumatic spiritual experience (excommunication and shunning is probably the second worst type of spiritual trauma, after being abused by clergy). I was always ashamed to cry in front of other people. Hi My name is Oje possible i have been suffering this unwanted blasphemous thoughts for so many years. But for that I think I will have to eliminate this stupid OCD problem first. The Jews answered Him, saying, For a good work we do not stone You, but forblasphemy, and because You, being a Man,make Yourself God.. Typically, these are people who have scrupulosity, also known as religious OCD. The incidental evil thought or resentment towards God does not count in as blasphemy. He has you, and he is keeping you for the day of redemption.. Trying NOT to think about something makes us more likely to actually think about it. Then he read a verse about fasting, so he began skipping two meals per day. Most people, if they would have heard the kinds of complaints I made against God, would have thought I was on the brink of atheism. I thought I was speaking in tongues. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is still happening today. A lot of us came to know God/Jesus from a religious background that made God look more like a Judge who is ready to sentence you to eternal damnation instead of the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, and Everlasting Father the Bible says He is, Isaiah 9:6. I feel as if he has let me go. I recently came under attack and for a second, its like I actually thought one. I feel like Ive gotten very off track. You said that Christianity doesnt have the 100 percent truth. The Bible says the truth will set us free. Not only do they lack the true spirit that is necessary for genuine worship, but they are also ineffective at fixing your obsessive-compulsive anxiety. hi my name Silvestar i have these unwanted blasphemous thought it started on this year from 5 January till now i have been struggling i seek reassurance from my friends i try to stop them but I cannot I try and try but I feel exhausted it effect my everyday life and I can do anything I just try my Saviour and I hope I would get freedom oneday and I hope God is always on time, what would I do I have an exam next month but I can concentrate to my studies. They have cut themselves off from the one who can lead them to repentance. There are things our entire faith community might be missing,just like the Jews missed out on the Messiah when He came. Jesus. They never believe in Christ later. And i also think i have this thoughts from drugs. Do I confess it again to God even though Ive confessed it already ? My church decided to excommunicate me and never accepted me back. I'm afraid I'm not genuine. But then I started doubting salvation and have thoughts of unbelief. We walk by faith, not by sight. Feelings are very poor indicators of our true standing with God. So I feel like I may not have a lot of faith, what if I'm just choosing Christianity because it is a more intelligent decision? People arent inspiredthe BIBLE is inspired. So I was like ok woaah so no more of that stuff.later down the road I get more into it I started to watch faith with viaian and got my first bible I LOVED it , it was so fun reading genesis I knew almost nothing of god , I loved telling my mom about the bible exspecially about David Idk why I like David so much I guess I was attracted to his heart ( not in a lustful way just in a awe way) it seemed like he always did the best, I had moments where I felt love in my heart when I would spend one hour listening to warship music studying the word and just having fun coloring my bible (my bible is the inspire praise one), I loved It, fast forward I start to read scripture and the F god came into my head , it would come and go during prayer, but it was when I fasted from yt and tv when the warfare got BAD i did this for lent and jesus heald my moms skin so I fasted from yt a bit longer all the way till april 24 , I could'nt watch tv with out things going wrong , I could have conversation without being in my mind , I could't read or do math yesterday I could't read a sentance and my 9 year old cousin made fun of me , I told people to not cuss infort of me wich honesly is actually good bc I need to gaurd my ears more and through this good has came from it little things have happend where I feel like god is speaking 2 me right now y bigsest promblem is my heart I refuse to repeant bc there is no sorrow in me I dont feel bad and its scaryy but through this ive written so many of my sins down and its like its the holy spirt and somethign in me is telling me god is working in my heart write now that its his bc I told him I want to feel sorry with all my heart when I sin I want to feel sad bc I hurt my father not bc of hell I WANT THAT I want the pain for my father but the LOVE 2 , and I dont like saying "thankyou " eaither bc it seems fake , and I think back when I relised I wasn't always like this I felt GUILT and dicused at my own sin but now when I wrote it down I felt nothingand 2 days ago I got this fear all over my heart to get up out of bed and do my routine of turing on the light to wake up my mom and the stove this is one way I do my lords will is by helping my mom I felt like that was him there were time when I was lazy and tried to take naps but my spirt guied me to my cousin's house and I was doing more of God's will by helping them I loved that day the voices were still kinda there but quiet so I was like huh interesting..Ive also learnd to not jude other I really donlt know other mindsets like I told my mom all of this and she thought I should just cuss back she said and that god knows this is not you so don't feel so sad and I was like ok.that day the voices were VEry quite after that talk I thought it was over and I sang praises to jesus and mary with all my heart and mind it felt so good that lasted 2 days and then after I slipped up and acidenty said Stup*d god and I had a happy heart in me so it felt weird to confesses I still did it and It tho but it felt like my heart left after that hear I am now ,tommowrs the 24 and thats the day I was expecting all of this to leave, and I got on my knees and prayed got on my laptop and got on here the vocies have almost left once I started reading, but my heart feels the same.and I also told got to not delay bc then I would tell me that it was acc all me saiing the things in my head not wafare so mabye thats why he showed me this today Im not sure .I think the worse thing is that i dont feel god sm I feel like I prayed so much Ive lost glimpse of reality . Psalm 94:11 tells us that God knows our thoughts are futile. John 6:44 says that no one comes to Christ unless the Father draws them. And that is solved by repeating mantras in addition to remembering the fact that i am a male. Interestingly, they are also part of this category of willful, purposeful action so lets briefly take a look at them now. Please dont beat up on yourself if you dont get it right overnight. I certainly dont agree with that thought AT ALL. But I know what you mean about feeling like the unwanted thoughts are willful. I have had really amazing experiences with God throughout my life, but also terrible anxiety. God bless you richly and I will add you to my prayer list. And believe me, God sees your heart and knows it better than you know yourself. Thank you so so so much for this article I have Bipolar Disorder and for the last few days I have been cursing God Jesus and the Holy Spirit in my mind.Has a deeply committed Christian Bishops daughter I have been dismayed shocked at my thoughts and have prayed read the bible talked to God begging for forgiveness reading your article has really encouraged me as well as doing the quiz and I may even sign up for your Zoom class. For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Like it scares me that I feel numb or like I have a hardened heart. I struggled with porn. I went to church occasionally growing up but nothing huge. Idk why I keep doing this but I did repent and ask for forgiveness immediately. I feel like I'm going crazy, even my sister thinks I am. Wow, what a privilege, to meet Godand yet, He met God in an incredibly intimate way when his own feelings were radically off. Please go back and read this story. And eventually it led to me saying blasphemous stuff ! I'm scared that I'm lying to myself and that these thoughts are true instead of false. I dont understand how it even happened. I dont even want to type it out. Your two-step plan is admirable, but I believe it will not be effective. They struggle to differentiate between their thoughts and the alien productions of OCD. The human frame is language based, and (mental) verbal habits - as well as picture ones - are natural. Ive been battling this for about a year .. When they force themselves into your mind, you panic. I had really bad anxiety attacks, which I never had, and lost a lot of weight in only a week. Is it possible for you to talk to me a bit? Remember that Scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

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blasphemous thoughts about the holy spirit