228th field artillery battalion

Nothing fancy or the way we did it in Tay Ninh. SP4 Ronald Fischer who rotated in early June 1967, also states that he rotated from Long Binh and flew out of Bien Hoa. Bob Hope was a great Patriot for all the years that he gave of his time to entertain and bring a little taste of home to the troops. 228th Panzerjger Battalion . As the first {assigned} Company Commander of the 228th Supply and Service Company (Direct Support), formerlyconsisting of remnants numbering approximately 110 personnel of Company B, 266th Quartermaster Battalion (Direct Support) where I had been Commanding Officer in Fort Lewis Washington, and Long Binh Republic of Vietnam, January 1966 20 July 1966, it was a distinct privilege and great honor to have been selected for a second association with some of the finest individuals it had ever been my pleasure to command. That, in and of itself was at times the highlight of the day. The Table of Organization of a reduced strength direct support company of 233 in non-combat and combat conditions was designed to support 16,000 personnel. Gamble rotated around the 2nd or 3rd week of May 1967{22 May 1967}. In late December 1966, HHC 266th Supply and Service Battalion (DS) stationed rearward some 50 to 60 miles in Long Binh, issued orders re-assigning the twenty two (22) personnel TDY from the 228th to the 25th Supply and Transport Battalion in Cu Chi handling Laundry operations for the 25th ID Field Hospital.to TDY attached from 25th S&T BN located in Cu Chi, to attached TDY from the 25th S&T to attached to the 61st Maintenance Company at the time being formed and located in Long Binh. The problem was, they were both Officers. I wasnt excited about being in the Army, but I wasnt pissed off about it either. The battalion was assigned to the II Armored Corps and attached to the 75th Field Artillery Brigade until November 1943 at which time it was assigned to the U.S. Army. The extra boots under my cot were shined and neatly placed under my cot. Kema having served his 2 years of active duty honorably and with fidelity (usually served as guard for Payroll Officers each month), was the first to rotate from the unit (228th) to CONUS for discharge and separation. ; this guy shouldnt be assigned to fill sand bags, permanent guard or other standard all purpose work at all. As a side note, and with regard to the few cans of warm beer donated in trade for a block of ice, we used to roll the cans down the blocks of ice (off the record books) so that the beer cans were ice cold within minutes of rolling from one end to the other within 3 to 4 minutes. The day arrived when the battery A of the 128th Field Artillery Battalion, 6th Armored Division needed a qualified forward observer. It wouldnt have mattered whether Tay Ninh was a major forward supply and support installation or not. Note:The writer canneither confirm or deny the preceding, and is simply relaying what what we were told by higher authority within the 266th Supply and Service Battalion (DS). This number seems to have remained stable after the COSTAR directive of 20 July 1966. It was kind of like the movie Apocalypse Now, where Robert Duval calls in a napalm strike so the guys in his command can surf. We also provide services: laundry, a hot shower point I believe the only one on post graves registration and direct maintenance to non-division units. The ice from these convoys was usually issued right off the trucks, and I dont recall any left over ice being stored in the ice-house, although some may have. On this date, Captain Jerry D. White was still Commanding Officer. He performed his first mission between Nancy and Metz, France with a smoke shell fire. Tobias. Every item that was issued was based on a 28 day menu cycle. Stars and Stripes claimed 28,000. The one thing he did tell us, was that we would be leaving for Trai Bi the next day. He was a no nonsense type guy and said hed get it straightened out right away. We reported into the Company, the 1st Shirt was located, and Im not sure he knew what to do with us. Eventually someone led us to what Ted and I considered a smaller version of 90th Replacement Center. USAREUR Units - 558th USAAG - USArmyGermany.com Also accounts for arrival of Major Jerry D. Ward from 15th Support Brigade in late November 1966, who quartered with 228th, but was neither assigned or attached. It really sucked big time, because we not only had to man the bunkers and towers, but also had to walk the ammo pads. At a minimum an Article 15, fine, reduction in rank, and possible extra (not fun) duty would have been imposed. 1,557 of these records are those of soldiers whose bodies were missing, and not recovered. In short: Somehow MAJ. Ward mysteriously and without entry of Gain on prior Morning Reports became a member of the 228th for one day at rotation in mid June 1967, by orders of the 266th and (per Tropic Lightning News) was awarded a Bronze Star by the 25th Infantry Division.the only individual of some 700 to 1,000 actually assigned or attached within the 228th (October 1966 May 1967) to have singularly achieved an award of honor (Bronze Star being the fourth highest award) for service in the Military. A 155mm battalion had approximately 550 enlisted men with 30 officers, with each battery having around 120 men. Stewart}, Assistant Company Clerk {PFC Ronald L. Fischer} and approximately 15 others were re-assigned to the reconstituted 624th Supply and Service Company (Direct Support). February 28, 1942: off the coast of New Jersey, the USS Jacob Jones is sunk by German submarine U-578. Nearly everything would grind to a halt. The OIC; 1st Lt. Ralph R. Meshon remained quartered in Long Binh as did (for the most part) his assistant SP4 Dawson M. Gamble. One would suppose, that these 6 Officers and 2 Enlisted of the 29th General Support Group somehow performed all selection, loading and transport of all supply necessary to support well over 28,000 35,000 troops in and about Tay Ninh, not to mention offloading, storage, distribution and record keepinga true miracle..ABN, 7)Services:Problems revolved around deadlined laundry, bakery, and bath equipment. At this time (20 July 1966), the newly formed 228th Supply and Service Company (DS) had 3 Officers assigned with an authorized number of five (5). So for each company or organization drawing rations, I had to figure out the quantity allowed per item based on that days particular menu. So to whom did they belong? Jones Jr. 1st Logistics Command Commanding as of July 1967, who had replaced Major General, Stanley Lollis.ABN). 1) For time periodJuly 1966 March 1967Meritorious Unit Commendation 25th Infantry Division assigned and attached (TDY) Cu Chi:228th Supply and Service Company (DS) Laundry and Bath Section Bakery Section 228th Supply and Service Company (Direct Support)Superior Command: 266th Supply and Service Battalion (DS). This concept was abandoned after awhile since most personnel assigned to the task were also being assigned to regular Guard Duty so when theyd try to form up the reaction force, there was no one to do it, as most of us were already out on the perimeter anyway. Tobias, his Chief of Staff; Maj. Fidel Valdez Ramos, a Major Belzer and others were also in Tay Ninh as of mid September 1966. The 228th SC took care of the ASLs, ROs, requisitioning, expediting etc. Same old Same old. Im sure it must have been vastly different from what other parts of the country looked like. Coincident to the time, the Monsoon rains were in evidence, so much so, that within a half hour of rain there was water 8 deep in the company field tent area. MAJ. Jerry E. Ward quartered with 228th from 15th Support Brigade (December 1966 June 1967) per Tropic Lightning News (25th ID Publication) dated 19 June 1967 in Awards and Decorations Section is annotated as a recipient of the BRONZE STAR with his unit of assignment being; HHC 266th Supply and Service Battalion (DS). This writer honestly does not know. Note:It is believed (pending notification) by 228th personnel of the time period, that this MUC most likely appears on individual DD214s. There were 4 men to a bunker and tower, with 2 men per ammo pad. Those serving in the field of battle continued to subsist on C- Rations. I have only the deepest admiration and greatest respect for those heroes of the 228th Supply and Service Company (Direct Support) with whom I had the honor and great privilege to command and serve with. On 20 July 1966 there was a COSTAR {Combat Service Support to the Army} directive throughout all RVN and CONUS {Continental United States} whereby a good number (if not all) existing Quartermaster (Direct Support) Supply units were inactivated and/or re-constituted as Supply and Service (Direct Support) units with some remaining whole in terms of personnel, whereby the unit simply had a name change. Neighbor Jr., SP4 Thomas Parrott, SP4 Cylde Price Jr., SP4 Terry R. Shipp, SP4 J.D. 14 January 1967 Orders received revoking orders of 10 January 1967 of Capt. {Note regarding above transfer of George to Class I:SSG Saviour would have had to approach the 1st Shirt, and or myself in the Orderly Room in order to accomplish this transfer. The theory, as explained to us, was to have 10-15 members of various support companies or units provide men, who during an attack could meet in a pre designated location and then be directed to the most vulnerable area of the attack for defense purposes. I hate to state it, but I had no idea where the Bakers ended up or were quartered, as they were not a part of my Platoon nor my responsibility once we had arrived in Cu Chi. twenty seven (27) out of an authorized fifty seven (57). The remaining enlisted rotating (approximarely 75) having served at or near 1 year of active duty were reassigned to other units in CONUS pending their respective 2 or 3 years of required active serviceat which time, if they had served with honor and fidelity, their final unit of assignment would (in theory) issue their respective Good Conduct Medal w/ribbon. At 0500 hours in the early morning 7 October 1966 as a portion of a larger convoy, 85 personnel of the 228th Supply and Service Company (Direct Support) hereinafter referred to often, as the 228th left Bien Hoa Airbase, stopped in Cu Chi for 1/2 hour to 40 minutes and continued journey to Tay Ninh Base Camp, arriving by mid afternoon of the same date. What a Hole. It was not unusual to have to go through four, five or more switchboards to get a call through or back to Headquarters. Secondary cold shower points were operating and set up by the 228th in Quan Loi, Trai Bai, and other locations occupied by the either the 196th Light Infantry Brigade and/or other elements of the 25th ID at French Fort and so forth. ?67 was SFC Leo Conway. Attached are the 507th Engr.,551st Ord. I wont go over old ground by repeating the overview preceding this Addendum as written by our reliable Company Clerk. He also agrees and can prove by saved Pay Vouchers that he was assigned to the 228th S&S Co (DS) but TDY with HHC 266th QM BN (DS) in Long Binh up to 1 September 1966. Requisition of vehicles and other necessary equipment to operate (additional reefer units for GR being one since November of 1966) were not fulfilled by higher authority despite constant effort to do so by the 228th. (, I can tell you thisthe operations of this. Each morning the two would drive to Bien Hoa and each evening return. The maintenance crew works on a limited scale. As such, the L&B Platoon was performing their operations in more than four different locations with a mere (27) at some points (30) personnel. 6 January 1967 New Commanding Officer arrives in early evening; Capt. To stop and harass Tay Ninh would not have made sense. Primary customers are the 196th Bde..4th Div..Philippine Civic Action Group, Vietnam and other units at Tay Ninh not assigned to the 25th Inf. Well, not only did the convoy arrive, which we unloaded, but a planeload of turkeys was air-lifted in to Katum as well. The 1st Shirt returned from R&R. At the time, Tay Ninh Base Camp consisted of large open fields covered with abundant shrubbery, elephant grass, rock hard six foot high termite mounds and many deadly snakes. So, I had shoes that were too small, pant legs that were too short, a shirt with the rank of PFC instead of SP4, an Army Green hat that was too large, a scuzzy tie, a beat up belt, and dented belt buckle. (1) Packaged greases and lubricants should be delivered with fuels. I had an additional 5 months of active duty to serve before I was discharged from active service in July of 1968. at 90th replacement from other rotating guys to put together a passible uniform to board the World Airways Jetliner. General Tobias Chief of Staff; Major Fidel V. Ramos of 1st PHILCAGV Tay Ninh, became President of the Phillipines 1992 1998. In addition 6 more arrived (formerly Company B personnel) 2 from the 506th and 4 from the 624th Supply and Service Companies (DS) for a grand total of 110 (authorized 233). Im not positive, but thought that the shower point was run by an attachment or section of the 228th. These were all pretty much works in progress, as most everything was during this time. On the same date the 228th Supply and Service Company (DS) was activated. He then broke into a swearing tirade about how that Mamasan was trying to kill us with a grenade. ** New or updated material will appear in the color RED within the Website. During the time period George arrived, I was in Long Binh, at 29th General Support Group, followed by 266th HQ and then on to Personnel Records Office Saigon. As the 506th QM COs Security Officer from MAR66, it had been repeatedly emphasized (in security briefings conducted usually weekly at the 60th Ordnance Group, predecessor of the 29th General Support Group in Long Binh) that Route 15 was never to be used under any circumstances. My reports always balanced..Thank you SP4 Gamble. The following are extracts of material per FM 29-3, dated 1965 Department of Army (provided by 1st Lt. Paul B. Walker) related to the working function and setup of a direct support company whether rearward or forward. At the same time and since July 1966 the 228th still had Laundry personnel TDY to 25th Supply and Transport Battalion of the 25ID in Cu Chi. At Bien Hoa, B Company offloaded, reboarded Army buses and were driven to Tent City A, Saigon, where we once again offloaded. At the same time Artillary fire set up some 100 feet across the road from the 228th kept up a continuous barrage of 105 Howitzer and 175 fire (night and day) into the outer perimeter of the Base Camp towards Cambodia). An additional collection point is located inTay Ninh. He instructed me about the general idea of his duties, how to fill out and do the 2969 report and how to get the information from the 2770 forms. Chief Warrant Officer Second Class John R. Henn 79th Artillery Battalion 05/24/1972 Specialist 4 Jerry A. Hiemer 7th Cavalry Regiment 11/17/1965 Sergeant First Class Anthony F. Housh 228th Aviation Battalion 04/19/1968 Chief Warrant Officer Second Class John F. Hummel 7th Squadron 03/06/1971 The Hot Shower point set up adjacent to the airstrip continued to operate throughout the day and into early evening. That covers August, September and October 1966. By evening there was a good six to eight inches of water flowing freely through the field tents, whereby if one looked carefully an occasional frog, snake or other insect beastie of considerable size swam or washed by ones bunk. Bn, for Battalion, was a common organizational unit of artillery for the US in WWII. He chose the Army. Purple Heart award for 1 KIA and 2 WIA neither assigned or attached to 228th were awarded from their individual companies of assignment. He not only explained what I was expected to do, but what forms and paperwork I needed to sign, what NOT to do, and so forth and so on, such that we (especially me) came to an understanding. 3 February 1967the 228th received visit (for first time since 7 October 1966) from 266th HQ Commanding Officer; Lt. Col. Joseph T. Tambe and staff for an inspection of unit and multiple operations. Operation Attleboro:From 1 November 1966 to 7 December 1966 the 29th GS Group provided Class I, II, III, IV and V support, laundry and bath, and graves registration to all units engaged in the operation. SP4 (Ronald L. Fischer) who had worked in the Orderly Room was told to find other quarters and seemed to be on Guard Duty everyday until his orders arrived to rotate in mid June. In addition, the bakery section operating in Cu Chi is excluded. I dont recall what the item was, but thankfully not an immediate mission-critical kind of thing, so it was an embarrassment that stopped short of a major flap. For smaller items consumed in fairly large quantities, there was a Self Service Supply Center (SSSC) concept. Jerry D. White of Homestead, Fla. is the basic unit. Yet, I knew deep down within my heart and soul, that I was helpless in changing or reversing that which had occurred. Now, there were some interesting things that happened in our week at Trai Bi. Soon after that moment, I located a poster of Nathan Hale and posted it on the door leading to the prep room. The same holds true for the 228th Bakery section which had been attached to the 25th ID from 7 July 1966 through late June of 1967. As Company Clerk and in conjunction with the desires of the Commanding Officer, and Platoon OICs there was little choice but to assign personnel where they were needed most. At worst, it was un-ironed.but such a matter was unimportant to the average GI, its officers and enlisted. During duty hours (generally from 0600 1800 hours or longer) these personnel were engaged in setting up (with the help of 175th Engineers of 196th Light Infantry Brigade) a Class I supply point, and recieving air lift and convoy product arriving daily in support of Operation Attleboro. What made this all so remarkable, was the fact, that the Company had so few men to accomplish so much in such a short period of time. Proof once again, that something interesting (or somewhat goofy) was going on in HHC 266th personnel section stationed in Long Binh. 228 Field Artillery Battalion (155 Howitzer), Headquart 228 Field Artillery Battalion (155 mm), Advance Detachm 228 Field Artillery Battalion (155 mm), Battery A staye 228 Field Artillery Battalion (155 mm), Battery B staye 228 Field Artillery Battalion (155 mm), Battery C staye 228 Field Artillery Battalion (155 mm), Headquarters st 228 Field Artillery Battalion (155 mm), HQ Battery stay 228 Field Artillery Battalion (155 mm), Medical Detachm 228 Field Artillery Battalion (155 mm), Service Battery Back to Normandy building the story of d-day. The consolidated report was sent by courier or Id take it myself to 29th General Support Group. In early 1967, there were typically 15 or so assigned enlisted GIs E-2 E-5. For the record the scooped out hole the engineers had dug were not that deep. Within the hour of my call, C-130 and C-123 cargo aircraft were arriving at the Tay Ninh airfield with pallets of 55 gallon drums and 500 gallon roll-on and roll-off rubber bladders full of JP4 and MOGAS. It was also around this time period I got a call from an SFC E7 at the 45th Field Hospital who was in charge of food service.

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228th field artillery battalion