environmental impacts of stratford regeneration

As the worlds first industrial economy virtually collapsed within a ten year period between 1970 and 1980, 55% of jobs were lost in cities during the recession. (2013) Urban Regeneration in the UK. Barcelona is a true example of Cultural Regeneration, where a Cultural City, was a successful host of the Olympic Games in 1992. Site 4: Stratford - Royal Geographical Society The ECOC will be a vital aid in reshaping and reforming Liverpool to revive the city back to its former successful status, with the regeneration of its famous waterfront known as the Albert Docks. A parallel regeneration project is the Stratford City development, a one and a half million meters squared area of proposed retail, commerce, leisure and residential development. The project is . Consequently, a reclamation programme was directed at three vital aspects of the site; water, roads and services, in addition to public access and landscaping. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Stratford City has already attracted five major international banks and several new apartment blocks have already been built. Jun. To do so, effective policies would need to be used in the developing areas which would be tailored to the specific urban area which is being regenerated. Newham also had issues with lack of accommodation as over 2000 households were living in temporary accommodation (MHCLG, 2011). . Up until 2011, which would have the peak employment chance for the Olympics, there were only a small number of direct employment opportunities (Brown and Szymanski, 2012) and this was especially true within the six host boroughs where most of the regeneration policies were targeted to improve employment and skills. Furthermore, they often feel resentment towards or frustration with the people who are causing them to suffer socially and economically. Nie wieder prokastinieren mit unseren Lernerinnerungen. Liverpool has been nominated as ECOC in 2008 and has chosen to build up to this event by hosting themed years. Newspaper G+T task In all regeneration programmes . site before and after the Olympics. Stratford: Regeneration (A Level) Case Study | StudySmarter This model suggests that in terms of physical and environmental regeneration, the visible signs of any cultural activity or improvements may be small, but this does not mean that cultural activity is absent. They are asked to think carefully about the photos they take, taking three photos to sum up the area socially, economically and environmentally. Everything you need for your studies in one place. A Level regeneration case studies. Regeneration can transform urban areas and there are several different ways of approaching regeneration, as well as undergoing regeneration. This means that, if left unchecked, conflict can appear in society. PRESS AND MEDIA end, include your opinion on why you think the Olympics was/wasnt good for Stratford This test will include Why? However, this was not the case, as many of the jobs which were promised did not materialise. Regeneration, therefore, plays a key role in transforming urban areas. The mothers could not afford the high costs which are now associated with Stratford and could only afford social housing as a result of a new demographic moving into Stratford and more market owned housing leading to an increase in house prices (Watt, 2018). More about Negative Impacts of Regeneration. you took my life and didnt care It has not only been traditional and historic cultural capitals or world cities, that have looked to install this new form of cultural energy into their urban centres, those seeking to transform their image, established industrial cities as in the case of Bilbao and Glasgow. The majority of these are best undertaken from the top floor of the Stratford Centre multi-storey car park, which offers good views of the entire Olympic Park site. Set individual study goals and earn points reaching them. This can either focus on . However, financial services and the retail industry have increasingly relocated business to city centres once again, creating flagship stores that drew service sector workers back into the city centre in turn creating the need for additional services in the city. An intragroup conflict might occur between members of Group A, and an intergroup conflict might occur between members of Group A and Group B. (2004) Candidate File. Create flashcards in notes completely automatically. The aquatics centre now uses its 50m pools as facilities for the community and schools, as well as elite athletes. These figures represent a 60% increase in just 40 years. I have nothing for you Yeah Im from a different area but is that really a good enough These negative impacts can result in community conflicts - but these challenges can be addressed. Furthermore, this highlights how the regeneration did not address urban needs and how there was a lack of focus from the LLDC in addressing the needs of lower-income households who simply cannot afford to pay the skyrocketing rents which have developed since the regeneration of Stratford. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! The Imperial War Museum, a major tourist attraction in its own right was opened in 2002 and was designed by renowned architect, Daniel Libeskind, the imposing design aimed to depict the world as a globe, shattered by war and mans self-destruction [Libeskind, 2001]. Rents and property prices have gone up because of the games. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/davehillblog/2015/jul/08/whats-happened-to-affordable-housing-on-londons-olympic-park (Accessed: 16 November 2019). It can take many forms and can be achieved through the implementation of several different strategies. impacts from the Olympic games both on the area and the people living there. It was given the award for its dramatic and successful transformation which is now widely accepted as a model for cultural regeneration on an international scale. We will not use your details for marketing purposes without your explicit consent. This Act focused on implementing improvements to inner city slums on general housing conditions, in order to create space for new housing many of the workers were persuaded to move out to the suburbs which were greener and cleaner this coincided with the decline of the industrial revolution and again agriculture levels increased. Also there are a number of unique visitor attractions;- Tate Liverpool, the Beatles Story, Merseyside Maritime Museum, the International Slavery Museum, Liverpool Ghost Tours, and The Yellow Duckmarine. Earn points, unlock badges and level up while studying. of the users don't pass the Negative Impacts of Regeneration quiz! Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. Westfield is committed to continuously improving the environmental performance of its shopping centres and minimising their environmental impact. What about wealth? The London 2012 Olympic Legacy was a plan to make sure that the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games had Long Term Benefits. Many industrial facilities were strategically located close to rivers, canals and estuaries, most notably Manchester and Liverpool being situated just 35 miles apart and joined by the Manchester Ship Canal, the North West became a fundamental destination for cotton and textiles and manufacturing as well as Liverpool becoming a central dock for trade due its global connections. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Games will aim to improve this area. and roughly only 23 000 were actively looking for work, highlighting how jobs were an issue before the Olympics and how the committee was dedicated to creating jobs in order to tackle this issue within Stratford. London; Thousand Oaks, Sage. An interpersonal conflict occurs between one person from Group A and one person from Group B. The launch of the podcast marked Westfields Student Event Week which gaves young people exclusive discounts and offers at Westfield London and Westfield Stratford City, Charity registration number: 1160948Company registration number: 9483822. This often includes, premium prices charged for the new developments. Where will Sharon live now? Completing these surveys at each site enables them to make a comparison of the different locations and to consider the potential benefits of regeneration to this area. This award was seen as an important opportunity as a catalyst for urban regeneration through the form of culture; Glasgows legacy as the first city with ECOC status 16 years ago has sustained this development; similar effects to Barcelona which has been recognised as a success internationally. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. both on the area and the people living there. Just a few years prior many felt that towns on the outskirts of Yorkshire such as Castleford were in terminal decline following pit and factory closures that put thousands out of work. (eds.) Conflict in the community can manifest itself in many different ways. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Assessment 2 is about Londons Olympic bid. To positively help the urban populations, there should have been a policy to integrate these changes with the locals at the heart of policies, rather than suiting the needs of big corporations. sheets This essay will focus on the regeneration within London Stratford for the 2012 Olympic games. Stratford Olympic Park - GCSE Geography B Edexcel Revision - Study Rocket The impact on the environment caused by regeneration can vary depending on the amount of refurbishing and the variety of materials used in the regeneration programme. Prices from 1,095,000. Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park: an assessment of the 2012 - SpringerOpen It is important to note, however, that some argue that some alterations of places are beneficial to the population by improving infrastructure and services available. OK, Statford Local Views on the Olympics Task, Statford Local Selection of Views on the Olympics. It is the second most This can either focus on the Stratford area itself, or the current status of the Olympic Park - or both. From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. Five years on the London Olympic park battle still rages', The Guardian, 27 July [Online], Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2017/jul/27/london-olympic-park-success-five-years-depends (Accessed: 16 November 2019), Donovan, T. (2014) Olympic Park affordable housing trade off, BBC News, 15 January [Online]. Urban Regeneration is the improvement of the buildings and infrastructure of an area. Stratford is now second only to Kings Cross as the most connected part of London. (Stratford and New Town Ward), East London. (with the Institute of British Geographers), Fig. Since the decline in the city between 1970 to 1980, Liverpool has experienced more urban regeneration than virtually any other city in the UK. EQSs next + google earth + london profiler, Not For You To Take Is It? Regeneration is the process of upgrading existing urban, rural, industrial and commercial areas to bring about social and economic change on a long-term scale. Dissertation, School of Civil Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton (2006) . Most of the mothers were told to move to other areas such as Birmingham and Manchester (Stone, 2015) despite having no connections there or having a sense of community or place there. plotted it, to ensnare the Polluting activities such as carcass rendering, chemical plants and printers relocated over the border to Stratford, which was then in Essex. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. The regeneration story in Stratford is ongoing, and the area will change dramatically over the next four years. Negative Impacts of Regeneration: Causes | StudySmarter This type of regeneration has distinct connections with community groups, local groups and councils which may not exist in larger flagship programmes. Since the 1940s the phrase Urban Regeneration has been increasingly used in conjunction with the action of redeveloping land which had, in years prior, been areas of moderate to high density urban land use. It took five years to close the main water basin which allowed the water itself to be treated and cleaned whilst the surrounding areas were cleared ready for the private sector development that was to follow. The success of the Lowry Centre was entirely dependent on the infrastructure that was laid before it, in order to carry the number of visitors, workers and residents that would be required for it to be a success. Available at: http://newhamdata.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Demography-Bulletin-October-2015-IMD.pdf (Accessed: 16 November 2019). The decision to extend Manchesters tram link to the Quays from Manchester City Centre as well as Bury in the north and Altrincham in the south of the city meant that the Quays was now open to a greater number of visitors, commuters and also residents. I-Spy and spot the difference tasks to identify different features of the proposed Olympic Park, Questionnaires to assess local residents' opinions on the 2012 Olympics, Views on the Olympics task using opinions expressed on the BBC Sport website at the time the bid was won. I am delighted that there 3/4 of the promised 11 000 jobs for 2012 park still dont exist. Westfield Stratford City - Foundation for Future London . use evidence to back up your opinion. During 1909, a Town Planning Act was formed, this act was to, forbid the building of any more back-to-back houses, this highlighted the need for builders and designs to meet certain standards. Areas throughout the United Kingdom fell into a state of squalor and disrepair; serious efforts were made to reverse the slum conditions resulting from the housing crisis over the next 100 years. The Industrial Revolution also witnessed a large growth in population, in 1695 the population of Britain was estimated to be 5.5million, by the early part of 1801, just over 100 years later, this had grown to 9.3million and 40 years later again, almost doubled to 15.9million people in 1841. extended piece of writing HIRE OUR VENUE people living there This triggered a period of canal building activity between 1760 and 1850, the canals provided the infrastructure by which trade could occur more easily and cheaply and it is along these waterways that many cities were developed, including Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Birmingham and London. There were four areas of focus for urban regeneration: Economic; Education and sports; Social; Regeneration. Upload unlimited documents and save them online. This was all carried out in conjunction with landscaping the area and installing lighting and street furniture before any major building work could be carried out. Regeneration can have distinct features; Turock (2005) highlights that it can change the physical fabric of the area as well as involving the community and other actors. This in turn has led to the millions of pounds of investment reshaping the heart of the city centre with the development of Paradise Street. Glasgow became the first city to become European Capital of Culture in 1990 having had more than three years to plan for the event. Those worst affected by the regeneration strategies were the local residents, who were promised improvements in terms of housing, community strengthening and an increase in jobs in order to achieve 'convergence', however this was not achieved as the policies were not inclusive and led to many communities breakdowns and increasing rent prices which in turn left locals displaced in terms of housing and many locals without jobs. Jean-Marie Tritant, Chief Executive Officer, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield said: "Urban regeneration projects are at the heart of URW's purpose to create sustainable places that reinvent being . In the Spot-the-difference activity, students compare photos taken in February 2007 and February 2008 with the current status of the Park to see if they can spot how the development has progressed. area? This shows that the needs of the local urban population were not met and for there to be successful regeneration there needs to be an aspect of community participation, where they identify what should be improved. (2013). Furthermore, it highlights the use of neoliberal ideas in selling a majority to the private sector as the local authorities were dependent on private buyers in buying flats within the East Village. From the 1920s onwards, this area was used as a repair and maintenance depot. 3 - Local fruit market which could be threatened by (large) transnational corporations (TNCs). 5, lead writer for a newspaper on the Along with Old Trafford, the Imperial War Museum and the Lowry signify the cultural landmarks known as The Quays. But for what? Conditions for Stratford residents in the 19th century were poor, with overcrowding, poverty and poor health. pictures? Olympic games (London , Commonwealth, Capital of Culture, World Cup, Stadiums International context/differences Bilbao (Capital of Culture), Barcelona (Olympics). See the tears run from my eyes down my face This sudden surge in the migration of people from rural to urban areas, initially for jobs in the factories or mills, obviously meant that housing was required in these super-cities, and it was needed quickly. Regeneration is the long-term upgrading of existing urban, rural, industrial and commercial areas to bring about social and economic change. By 1900, 80% of Britains population lived in urban areas, whilst the number of workers employed in the agricultural sector fell from eleven percent to just two percent. 462-465. Stone, J. The extent to which these are recycled and reused to reduce the amount of waste and energy varies with each development.

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environmental impacts of stratford regeneration