starseed markings on body

Im an every healer/ worker. Some of these are marks that I have found repeated again and again in starseed birth charts. These birthmarks and moles may have different meanings for different locations. if you ever want to check out an alien chart, maybe youd like to take a closer look at mine. The meaning of the Starseed Markings varies depending on their location. Now I can finally put into name where I came from. The Aura is said to be our very own energy field that surrounds each human body and it corresponds with our emotions and physical health. If you cant find your markings, then its time to take a long look at yourself and see if theres anything that stands out. How do I find out what type I am? Long story short, I feel a awakening, spiritual feeling and feel I dont belong here, always attracted to Pleiades. If you have a water sign in your south node, this is one, but very small sign, you could have starseed origins. Join The Community & Free Starseed Course! Some people who resonate with being a starseed have these markings in their chart, others not so much. Not all Starseeds become fully developed in their time on Earth. Their body systems dont work the same way as others would. Starseeds are essentially souls from alternate worlds that have chosen to incarnate on planet earth. You always feel like you don't belong here on Earth and that your home is somewhere out there in the universe, maybe among the stars or planets. Sun in the 12th house. To simplify things even further, Ive gone ahead and linked out to a post which explains each of those terms in simple language. Just a normal guy. The 9th house in particular means youre likely to experience messages from your spirit guides and soul family in your dreams. This is where it gets a little more advanced, so youll need a proper birth chart wheel so you can which signs land in each house. *You feel empty or defective in some way; as if something is missing inside of you. When my gifts began exposing themselves I pushed them down for lack of understanding. Hope that helps! You always feel like you know something others dont know. Sometimes, people are born with a psychic imprint that shows up on their skin in the form of a birthmark. Hope that helps! All sun signs have the potential to be a starseed, but those with a water sign e.g. What are starseed markings? Am more creative, thus I do music and I do overthink,, and a times I read mind and think what someone might be thinking and even my sir name Ochieng means when the sun is out shining Starseed Body Markings. These online generators are mostly free but, some charge a minimal cost. Starseed Markings Everything You Need To Know, Questions to help you identify abstract Starseed markings,, Best 21 Starseed Books You MUST Read In 2023, Are You A Blue Ray Starseed? Thank you for pointing this out when I give those numbers Im referring to the aspects i.e. In the past, Starseeds have been thought to be mostly tall with thin bodies. Youre also haunted by the feeling that there has to be more to life than this, even if you dont know what it is! People with this marking are likely to be an old soul or lightworker. Thanks! Im just wanting to know whats legit and what the possibilities are, Your mother and father of different descents perhaps? I have my birth chart. Starseeds are individuals whose soul originate from another star system, and many people are waking up to the realization that other dimensions exist. There are 4 main signs to watch out for in your jupiter and saturn placements. Other children, known as starseeds, are believed to have had incarnations on other planets. People are often drawn to their birthmarks and wonder what are the meaning behind them. 32 Major Signs Your Soul is From A Distant Light System, How to Tell if Youre Going Through a Deep Starseed Awakening. Others may have come to Earth to burn karma or heal themselves. Starseeds are extraordinary people whose presence here on Earth in these times of ascension. These can be beauty spots or moles that resemble some stars and/or constellations. Written by Tom Kenyon. Surface Studio vs iMac - Which Should You Pick? As am I hello sister seed I am a Leo sun, Aquarius moon and a Scorpio rising. If your name is that, then there is a possibility. Starseed markings can also be alternatively sub-grouped into two main groups; The personality traits of each Starseed type differ. If you have Clair skills this can be shown to you and felt. as far as I know there is no such degree in any of the signs. Kindly help me know my starseed. You are a natural-born leader, and you have a strong personality. *You have recurring dreams about someone who has passed away, or about places that youve never visited before but have heard of from others- which sends you into an emotional frenzy if theyre negative OR else a state of bliss if theyre positive. Labeled as revolutionary by The Oprah Winfrey Network. They are here to help with the Ascension process and assist humanity in reaching a higher state of consciousness. I believe it could be if every child reborn again get what they all deserve and that is a fair and loved one the minute a baby opens his/her eyes. This means that either your intuition (which is connected with your soul) has made itself heard OR else you have a spirit guide who likes to play tricks on you and show themselves whenever they can! Ive always found people with water signs in these positions resonate most with Pleiadian, mintakan, Blue Ray, Lemurian or andromedan starseeds. Surface Studio vs iMac - Which Should You Pick? The zodiac was created by dividing the sky into 12 parts which represent a house. Hope that helps! This is because these types of markings resonate on a much higher level and are not necessarily visible to the naked eye. Difficulties expressing themselves to others. Im think Im the same as you x sun sagi moon Leo . The first is obvious - it is the person's first incarnation, although unlikely. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Gemini is another good indicator, especially if accompanied by other markings in the chart. This nurturing, loving energy comes from having a strong divine feminine influence in their past lives e.g. Thanks alot for about starseed origin. They are often adventurous people, looking for their purpose. The last thing youll want to do after locating your markings, is to go over them in detail so that you know exactly what each one means; this will help when trying to find twin flames since knowing the combination of markings they bear will make finding them much easier! Starseed markings (or Starseed alignments) are celestial body characteristics in birth charts, ie the position of astronomical bodies the sun, moon, stars, & visible planets. These things are sometimes difficult to pinpoint because they have no physical form but the truth will always reveal itself if you pay attention enough! Do you feel an undeniable pull towards the stars in the midnight sky? -had several African incarnations, have African ancestry, or interest in African mythology. Even if they aren't, they generally have good muscle definition resulting from low body fat. Ive seen these numbers many times a day for many years. in my example above, 533 311, this is usually an indicator of psychic ability or starseed presence. Finding your starseed markings can be a truly exhilarating experience! They can have many different shapes and sizes. 3 x cancer), 3+ of the same element (e.g. If not, itll just be like normal. My mother just died last March, so now I really feel like an orphan Although I admit that I was always pretty much an outsider in my own family. If no birthmarks are present, the person has spiritually evolved enough so they no longer carry the trauma of past lives. Sending you lots of love and blessings . Each individual has a unique Starseed marking based on their birth chart. Lyra is a small star constellation viewable in the Summer months in the Northern Hemisphere. You can find it here: According to popular belief, the size, shape, and location of a birthmark may provide insight into one's life path, luck, finances, and relationships. Nowadays, it's accepted that just about anyone could be a Starseed by physical appearance. Aquarius is also one to watch out for. But so are fire and earth signs! They can manifest as moles or beauty spots and bear similar placements to stars or constellations. When Starseeds are part of spiritual lineages that seeks to help humanity, then they may have higher levels of intelligence and a more expanded collective consciousness. Moon in houses 4th, 8th, 9th, or 12th house is extremely common with starseeds. Im an old soul and feel connected to most if not all of the starseeds. The auras are named according to their colors . It depends entirely on your unique soul blueprint which is a result of your current (and previous) lifetimes and experiences here on Earth. Ghost towns, abandoned gold mines, rowdy saloons, and tragic endings of, How to Catch Ghosts on Camera: 13 Tips for Success, You don't need specialized camera gear or video equipment to get some compelling images of the supernatural. E.g. 21 Sings You're an Arcturian Starseed 1. . Youre welcome! Many of them are thin for their height. , You all are amazing My name is Rose, My Birthday is 10.29.1979 born 4:53am in Tulsa, Ok. The position of the Sun, Moon, planets, and even our north and south nodes can uncover many hidden secrets and revelations about our true soul origin. I think alot of them reincarnate as older Eastern Earth races such as Asian. Arcturian here. at the time of your birth. They can also indicate the personality traits you inherited from your star system. Unfortunately the output isnt able to name the origin I call home, but that would have been a really unexpected surprise, so thats okay. Starseeds are souls of extraterrestrial origin that have come to earth to assist in the planets' ascension into the golden age. This means what ever happened previously during a certain lifetime has repeated itself again but only now it is happening again in this current lifetime. Connected to animals especially dogs. There are many different types of markings and its one of those things that is completely unique to your personal starseed because the creators made each individual one slightly different just like fingerprints or snowflakes. 13 Signs That You Are A Starseed 1. In my experience, the most common trine would be the grand water trine, where all three water signs, pisces, cancer and scorpio are evident in a triangle trine shape. Design Starseeds may have a strong feeling that they do not belong here on Earth and struggle with certain things that happen in this dimension and on this planet. In Western or Modern Astrology, this person would be a Leo North Node, but Aquarius South Node. Had partners who needed my passion and warmth to grow Some Europeans believe touching people who have birthmarks will bring them good luck. Through spiritual awakening, starseeds activate their powers. Starseeds are beings in the human form living on Earth their human lives. Moleomancy, the art of divination by moles is a form of maculomancy, which is the art of divination using birthmarks. Having Leo or Virgo in these signs symbolizes against being a starseed i.e. Ask yourself is the world we are now living in heaven on earth? If that is your name then you could be from Kepler 22b. Im an 11 so i decided more info was needed. If Libra is strong there could be an Andromeda or, If Pisces is strong there is likely to be a Pleiadian or. Feeling disoriented. These are just the most commonly known ones. You realize that youve got a high IQ, which makes you more intelligent than most people. Starseed MARKINGS are known as alignments and are used to identify which starseed you are. The first way (which again isnt always successful) requires that you find a starseed and have him/her teach you how to read energy signatures. The Earth + Sun directly aligned with Pleiades = Pleiadian line up. Venus in Taurus opposed Scorpio Uranus. After my fathers death in 2016 the flood gates opened. However, they all have a different meaning for each person. Their collective soul family aim is to guide Earth, be that through working with the Earth, its elements, people, or animals, through times of turbulence. (They have very interesting personalities)I have a huge crystal connection and love to learn about anything that has to do with spirituality. I vascillate between knowing everything will work out, and moments of sheer panic , where I fear Ill never know what Im supposed to do and Im wasting my life. 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. The positions of the celestial bodies with each other at the point of your birth make up the star systems. Luckily, the website mentioned above pulls all of your planet positions, houses, aspects, and nodes into a few handy charts which are easy to read. How do we do it? The next meaning is the person exited their last life from natural causes. Or perhaps youre looking to find more information about your Starseed origins. In general, this kind of marking has two main meanings: 1. Some used (and are infused with) Earth genetics too. Sun in water signs Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. . The lucky ones have those smooth-looking energy signatures while others might not always discover theirs until later in life so they may come across something very different instead! This means there is an attachment of some kind to this person or thing, which may be coming from you (if its a person) or else it could be something that theyre doing and sending out towards you without realizing it. Starseed markings (or Starseed alignments) are celestial body characteristics in birth charts, ie the position of astronomical bodies - the sun, moon, stars, & visible planets. Angel Number 1313 Meaning: 5 Powerful Reasons Youre Seeing It! *You cant stop thinking about someone even though they treat you badly, or else every time they leave you it feels like a part of your soul has been ripped away. Before I knew that I was an Andromedan Starseed I had the same questions. I dont have basically any of the physical traits such as height, thinness of face and body, but I seem to have a boatload of character traits that resonate, like 90% ,not exactly sure what category I fit in, Greetings from Canada I came out of darkness into the light on Groundhog Day, the midpoint, or pivotal point of winter, when Earths energies begin to turn to nurture new life in great abundance, once again [The Hanged Man Tarot Card illustrates this pivotal moment nicely]. Starseeds are highly intuitive. Its possible youre a starseed soul incarnated on Earth, here to fulfil not only your personal soul mission, but your collective soul mission too. Starseed Markings April 26, 2011 . lol my last name, translated, means Sirious the second half of the placement number. *Every time you about to go to sleep, someone or something seems to be calling out your name; sometimes it feels friendly and sometimes it feels hateful. Does anybody else have any Starseed markings/imprints on their body too? You find that you are a good judge of character, and often at first sight. P.S Dont forget to join our Starseed community, and receive my weekly, 5* reviewed emails specifically crafted for Starseeds and Lightworkers to flourish on Earth. Let me know in the comments! Much love, Julia. When you spot a colorful rainbow arching across the sky, it may have a, Is Twin Telepathy Real? You can also do meditation and visualize to where your origin is. Much love, Julia, Julian I was born in February 19th 1964 in Elizabeth City North Carolina at 11:30 at night and I would like you to tell me which star am I from, and I know I am a star seed because I felt this way all of my life Im 58 years old now and I still feel the way to start seeds feel but I need to know what house I come from can you help me out. They are also said to be slim with long, thin faces. They also may appear as a rectangle shape too! You came in on the frequency of 26 Libra. This could mean one of two things: youre either lacking energy signatures (due to being unable to locate them), or else you have so many energetic attachments already that they overpower your sense of self-identity and leave little room for anything else. Lavendar's work recognised these planetary aspects as the indicators for Pleiadian lineage: 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 degrees in Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. This means that even if you dont have any markings anywhere on your body then still your aura may look like an array of colours, shapes and symbols; some people have them while others are completely void of them. Born on May 3rd, 1997 in New York City, NY. I feel like I need a soapbox or platform as well, and I want to find my people and like-minded souls who would like to share info and Id like to collaborate and help each other. They can sense things before they happen. I am working on a dance never seen before for that reason! *You feel like you just dont fit into society very well; people around you seem strange and distant (even if you are close to them) and you feel like youre on the outskirts of everything. The second row shows your second house, third row third house etc. Just something to keep in mind. For Jupiter and Saturn, a Starseed usually finds them in Sagittarius. 32, 33, 34, or 35 in Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo can indicate a Lyran or Andromedan connection.. This will give them a strong intuition, they will likely be able to 'feel' another person's emotions. The stars of Lyra form a harp's shape, or a lyre which gives the constellation it's name. Hindus consider these markings as sacred because it symbolizes a direct connection between the soul and its spiritual journey. How do you know if a starseed marking was intended for you? How do I find out exactly? But, along the line, they begin to long for the stars. Exciting times indeed, thanks for sharing your story. Have a beautiful day! Cassiopeian starseed traits: -had a Irish and or welsh incarnation, have irish or welsh ancestry, or interest in irish or welsh mythology. Start projects ideas but move in to next easily distracted In this guide, youll discover how to find your starseed markings, and what to do when youve unearthed them. In general, this kind of marking has two main meanings: Who you were in your past life 1. Without any knowledge about their meanings they can appear very simple and basic but when discovered then it can literally bring a whole new meaning and understanding to your life . Some cultures have beliefs about birthmarks that may have a psychic origin. However, if youre serious about making some progress then just keep going! In this article I describe starseed alignments for the Pleiades - scroll down to the bottom of this page to find them! There are couple of methods you can find your marks. If you have water signs, cancer or scorpio in your moon through to mars positions, its likely you are of starseed origin. I know of a couple types from watching videos and hearing what to look for on my birth chart, but I feel drawn to others that werent listed in the video also. If I dont find a platform/soap box to scream from with an audience of like minded or just find my own people I fear I will whither. water) or 4+ of the same planet is a strong influence. Who you are has a lot to do with the day, date and time you incarnated here on Earth, due to the specific planetary starseed alignments at the time of your birth. Or, as it is put here, " Starseeds are reincarnated space beings in human form that are destined to lead humanity into a shining tomorrow. And as such you might be living not only your own life but the lives of your ancestors as well. Like with other Starseeds, Orians can have unique birthmarks or markings on their skin. You have a nagging feeling that something is just not right, but you cant quite put your finger on what it is which only makes this problem worse!

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starseed markings on body